Chapter 29: Refusal

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Yun disposed of Ling in a bush. He wanted to beat him up even more but Yamato had told him if he did that, then he might miss Xuan. He didn't want that, so he left it at that.

"He won't suspect his best friend to be under my control." Yamato had told him.

"What about his eye?"

"Cover it up. After you're done with him, leave him in the park or something!"

Yun walked through the dead city. It was as if the city itself knew what he did. As if it were judging him.

Why should he be judged? He was right! Whether he killed Xuan tonight or not, that didn't matter. He was in the right, and he would prove it.

"Couldn't come any quicker?" Yamato asked at the spot they agreed on meeting: near the underground miracle. Yuuhime lay unconscious still.

"Li Ling is huge," Yun said, "we could have saved time if you let me kill him here. He'll be a nuisance later, too."

"But don't you think it'll be even better to watch Tang Xuan kill him?"

"...maybe just a little."

Yamato gave a hearty laugh, one that echoed through the empty streets. It ran shivers down his back.

"Ugh," Yamato leaned on a wall, "all this work to get all the espers I've burnt feeling sick is a lot of work."

" are you even doing it, again?"

"Basically, in simple people terms-"

"Wait, are you calling me stupid?!"

"-my divine power is in their bodies, so I can send signals to their bodies to hurt."

"You called me stupid!"

"No I didn't. I put it in simple terms."

"That's basically insulting my intelligence."

"Well, my astute colleague, I can't help but perceive you as dull-witted and dense, thanks to your previous enterprises. You're blessed I'm succoring you to posses your kinfolk."

"...I get it, you're smarter than me. Doesn't mean you're better."

"I've actually looked at your grades from middle and high school. You are slightly intelligent at best and downright, laughably, idiotic at worst."

"School's stupid. The only reason I passed any of those classes was because of my you want me to show you what really matters?"

As Yun said this, he cracked his knuckles. Yamato laughed, folding his arms.

"Is this a challenge?"


"So you haven't learnt anything. I should have known, since you haven't even got a 1 GPA."

"That doesn't mean shit."

"I had a 4.0 GPA, everything I did was perfect. I never got a low score."

"And now that doesn't even matter, eh?"

"It's just something I have to brag about. It helps me in being a lawyer, too."

Yun swung a punch but Yamato easily dodged. He pinched the back of Yun's neck hard, causing the younger to yelp and stop.

"L-let go!"

"How submissive, that's very good!"

"Don't say that!"

Yamato let go and looked to the dark alleyways all around.

"He's coming. Can't you hear that?"

Yun listened. The faint tapping of someone running nearer and nearer filled him with a great joy.

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