Chapter 10 1/2: Why is Yuuhime Sad?

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Walking into her room, Yuuhime grunted in frustration. She couldn't find Yun after he wanted to talk to her, and now she was seriously curious. Her curiosity was gnawing on her, making her softly grumble in dissatisfaction.

"Yuuhime!" Yamato burst in, making her jump.


He giggled menacingly. "Read my letter please!"

"To who?" She asked as she opened the folded letter.

"Tang Xuan!"

"Huh?" She peered over at him, "Why?"

"Just read it please." He commanded.

She sighed and did. She noticed the lettering was in pretty blue glitter pen, but that was all the positivity she would give him, because though short, it was a cruel letter. It didn't sound cruel, but what it said would surely make Xuan upset. She was quiet for a while after she finished it.

"Why would you send this to him?" She finally sputtered out.

"I just want him to be cooperative." He replied, a smile dancing in his face.

"But-but this is too far, even for you!"

"Too far? I think I sounded very polite."

"But-you can't just-"

"Can't what?" He leaned close to her ear. She went quiet before she finally stuttered, "You can't threaten him like will make him scared and's making me scared and sad..."

Yamato suddenly erupted into laughter. Yuuhime's body went stiff at the sound it.

"It's really cute," He said between laughs, "That you think I care what you feel!"

She stayed silent.

"Don't you know this is all about my feelings?" He asked. "It's not selfish, it's just fact. I'm the older sibling, so I get all the money. So even if you were free, you'd still need me."

She was shocked. The audacity of this...this man. He wasn't even her brother anymore!

She felt herself shaking. Yamato smiled sweetly.

"I still care about you," He hummed, "But just know that your emotions? They don't matter! And neither do Mr. Tang Xuan's! I just want a brother-in-law, oooh, and maybe little nieces and nephews!"

He left just as quickly as he left, taking the cruel letter with him. Yuuhime stared at the door for a long time, at least an hour. She knew she was crying, because she felt the wet tears on her face and soaking her clothes.

Then, she heard her communicator ring, the ring tone she gave Li Guang.

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