Chapter 12: The Pink Rose

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"You left your jacket at my house." Yuuhime said through the phone to Xuan.

"Yeah, it's fine though," He responded, "just...bring it to me when you can."

"Of course." She smiled a little.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Good." she replied. Good enough for ice cream. She nervously twirled her hair. All last night, she was too feverish to sleep, so in her boredom, she came up with a plan to sorta, kinda ask Xuan out. It was more like a hang-out than anything, but she decided that if she was ever going to take a step closer to being more than friends with him, she'd better start making moves.

"Um, I was wondering," She asked, "if you would like to try out this new ice cream place I found in Bremis?"

"Oh, sure. I'll try to find a time in my schedule."

She really hoped Yamato wouldn't figure out what she was doing. If he did, he'd make Xuan miss more work. Besides, he already jumped to thinking she and Xuan were going to get married any day, despite them not even going on an official date yet. She just wished Yamato would be less nosy in her love life.

"Great!" She chirped, "Get me a time when you can, please."

"Of course." He replied. "I've gotta go now, hopefully I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, bye." He hung up and she sighed happily. She sat on a chair in Norah's house, and Li Guang and Norah smiled at her with the goofiness teenage girls would have.

"What?" Yuuhime huffed.

"You need a new outfit!" Li Guang announced.

"I know a place nearby that had cheap but cute dresses." Norah suggested.

"Let's start there then!" Li Guang sprung up. Yuuhime giggled softly as she was dragged out by her two friends.


"...this is too fancy." Yuuhime said as she stared at the fifth dress Li Guang had tried to give her.

"She's right," Norah said, "It's just an ice cream date."

"Well, then maybe we should find a different shop," Li Guang huffed, "If all the dresses here are so fancy, according to you."

"I've gotten so many of my clothes here, though..." Norah said, "In fact, I got this shirt and skirt I'm wearing here."

Yuuhime sighed and went to go look on her own, when a particular mannequin caught her eye. It had a plain white shirt with sleeves that went to the elbows, and a light pink skirt that went just below the knees. She quickly found both parts of the outfit and went to try it on.

Staring at herself in the mirror, her cheeks flushed. Was that really her? She looked so different, no red or black...

"Norah, Li Guang, I found my outfit!" She said as she burst out of the changing room.

"Oh my gosh, look at you!" Li Guang gasped, "You're so pretty!!"

Norah smiled at them both. Yuuhime's cheeks flushed more, feeling more like herself than she ever did.

"You could also get some jewelry," Norah suggested, "I think it would complete your look wonderfully."

Yuuhime nodded, quickly changing back into her normal clothes and then spotting some jewelry near the back. The three girls went to it, sifting through the unorganized rows.

"Do you wear earring? Cuz these would look really cute." Li Guang held up a pair of pink earrings, but Yuuhime shook her head.

"I never got my ears pierced."

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