Chapter 20: Dirty Rotton Yamato

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The room was freezing. The only light came from the morning light that shone through the blinds, lining the bed that Xuan laid in.

His stomach flip flopped. He felt wrong. His bones felt different, so did his skin. It felt like his bones were cracking and scraping together, his skin like ice hanging from a tree.

Yuuhime sometimes came to visit him, which made him feel a little better, but Yamato also came. The things he would say to Xuan made his blood cold.

Yuuhime would come in afterward and hold his head close to her chest as he weeped quietly and bitterly. Her soft voice could only say, "I know, I know."

Xuan was still very much weak from getting zapped by Yamato again. He could hardly move, let alone walk around. So, as he lay motionless in the dark room, he heard Yamato's degrading comments to Yuuhime.

"You're seriously wearing that today?"

"Don't stuff yourself, it's not ladylike."

"Clean this up for me, I have other things to do. Chop chop, dear sister!"

"If you hate my cooking soooo much, why don't you make something? Oh, wait, you only make desserts! Where would you be if I wasn't here?"

"That makeup looks so terribly horrid against your complexion, go change it."

"Look at me, I've gotten three dates this week, and you've only managed to get one red headed boy that I easily beat up."

He wanted to beat Yamato up, lock him away forever for the things he said to her. He would lock him away, someday.

Today was not that day. Today, he sat in a cold room where to only light was coming from obstructing blinds.

He heard the door lightly knock. He knew it was Yuuhime, for she was considerate enough to knock before entering.

"Come in." Xuan called.

Yuuhime slipped in. She held a vase with red poinsettias.

"Those are pretty," He said, "why do you got 'em?"

"I wanted to give them to you," she explained, "it's very dull in here, and these flowers are bright even in the dark."

"Aw, thank you!"

She smiled and place the vase beside his bed. The flowers really did stand out nicely against the dark shadows that danced on the walls and furniture.

She sat next to his bed. "Can you move at all?"

"I tried, my head moves fine." He demonstrated by swaying his head back and fourth, resulting in hair in his mouth. He sputtered, trying to get the hair out of his mouth. "I can lean up now too."

He helped himself scoot up to a sitting position. Yuuhime clapped.

"Wonderful! I'm glad you're feeling better."

Soon, he might be able to run fast enough away. That's what they both hoped, at least.

"Soon," He said, "I'll be able to help around."

"Huh? Don't worry yourself with those things at all." Yuuhime huffed. "This is my house, not yours."

"If I'm gonna be stuck here, I might as well help with something. I'm no freeloader."

"I command you to be a freeloader. Focus on gaining your strength back."

He chuckled, rubbing his arms. They, along with his legs, became more burnt, fresh and oddly shaped burns taking up most of his legs and arms.

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