Chapter 24: Family

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"Yuuhime~" She heard Yamato calling for her. She ran as fast as she could, her heart beating fast.

"You can't run from me, I'm your brother." He laughed. She looked behind her but ran into someone.

"Yuuhime, why are you running from your brother?" She looked up and saw Norah, who had a concerned look on her face. "He's your only family left."

"No!!" Yuuhime covered her ears. "He's a cruel monster! He's-he's not my brother anymore!!"

"But he seems like such a nice guy."

"He gives you all the nicest things!"

"He would never hurt you."

Yuuhime screamed as the voices grew louder and louder. Yamato's laughter grew louder and louder until she couldn't tell what any other voice was saying.

"Stop it! Go away! I'm free from you now!" She screamed. She felt her face melting from how much she was crying, so she scraped at what was left of her face.

Yuuhime woke up in a cold sweat. She scrambled up, looking around to find herself in Xuan's room. He slept beside her, peaceful. She sighed shakily and laid back down, reminding herself Yamato wasn't there over and over again.

She was truly grateful to Xuan for letting her stay at his place. She was originally going to sleep on the couch, but her nightmares were too much to handle, so Xuan let her sleep with him. In his bed.

She thought she would feel much more flustered than she actually did, but in practice, she was too worked up over nightmares that him sleeping beside her went right over her head most nights.

She rubbed her eyes, feeling the wet tears slither down her palms. Shivering, she turned to Xuan. His delicate features made her blush, so she carefully slid her hand onto his chest. She felt his gentle breathing, going up and down slowly. She closed her eyes and tried to copy his breathing.

She suddenly sneezed, which made Xuan's eyes flutter open.

"I'm sorry!" She whispered, covering her mouth. He glanced down at her hand, which was still on his chest, and smiled.

"Don't apologize," He placed his hand on hers, "it's a natural human function."

Her face flushed, as did his.

"Your hands are cold." He said, slowly sitting up. Her heart leapt a little watching him get up.

"Where are you going?" She mumbled.

"Gettin some water, want some?"

"No, but I..."


She hugged his arm, breathing hard.

"Is-" she choked, "is family really that important?"

Xuan was taken aback. "Of course."

"Then why did Yamato-"

"Woah, woah," he stopped her, "hold your horses. There's two types of families."

"Two?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Y-yeah," He pulled her out of the bed, "there's biological, like the one you're born into, but then there's also chosen."

"What's chosen?" She asked as he led her out of the room.

"A chosen family is like...when you find people you also love as much as your family."

"Like friends?"

"No, it's deeper," He poured himself a glass of water, "it's like...finding someone that's like a brother, or a mother, or-"

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