Chapter 26: The Dangers of Underestimation

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It was a quiet day. Xuan sipped a cup of coffee, something he wouldn't normally do, but Yuuhime had made it for him, so he was going to drink every last drop of it.

It had been about two months since he saw Yamato or Yun, and in turn the music box, last. He was trying to calm his nerves but he couldn't focus when danger still lurked.

Suddenly, a commotion could be heard just outside. Xuan sighed and, placing his coffee down, went to see what it was about.

"Look what you've done to my hair!" David shouted at Ling. "I did it extra special for Chloe today!"

"Oh, boo hoo!" Ling snapped. "Maybe if you weren't such a pussy you'd-"

"Li Ling!" Xuan snapped, going in between the two. "What's goin' on?!"

"David's going on! He ran into me and noes he's being pissy about his hair!"

"You ran into me!" David snapped, combing his hair. "Now I have to fix it."

Xuan rolled his eyes.

"...welp. It's over now." Xuan said.

"Oh, yeah, Tang Xuan," David pulled out his phone, "I found some work-outs for-"

"I don't want them." Xuan said stiffly and quickly left before David could continue.

He ran into Yuuhime, who held some paper dolls.

"Oh! Hi, Xuan!" She said, "I'm so glad to see you."

"I am too," He said, "David's-"

"Shh, it's ok," She rubbed his bicep, "you get cranky when you complain."

"Do not." He huffed, blushing. She giggled, her face flushing with the familiar scarlet.

"Yooo! Tang Xuan!" David ran to them. "Ok, so I know you don't want it, but I think this one is just good in gen-oh." He gestured at Yuuhime, who couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

"Her name is Yuuhime," Xuan said, "I've told you I don't need any workout help or ideas, please respect that."

"But if Tang Yun can take on Yamato, and you can't, then you need to-"

"Yun is strong, he's gotten stronger since you've seen him last. It has been two years and a half since you saw him last."

"I think you're-"

"I think YOU'RE severely underestimating the situation." Yuuhime growled.

"Woah, hey girl, I'm not trying to be mean," David yelped, "I'm just trying to help."

Xuan grabbed Yuuhime quickly, holding her before she could do anything brash.

"Just-" Xuan sighed deeply, "just leave, please."

David quickly turned and left. Xuan rubbed Yuuhime's back.

"I'm glad you're getting more confident," He told her, "but use that confidence on something worthwhile, kay?"

"M'kay." She held up her paper dolls. He tilted his head, looking at her.

"This one's supposed to look like your brother," She told him, "but I accidentally spilt some paint onto it and ripped its stomach open."

"Aw, that's ok. Accidents happen!"

"Y-yeah...I'm giving this one to Leora! Do you think she'll like it?"

"It's like the character from that show she watches. She'll love it!"


"Are you done with it yet?" Freddy called to Yun, who stuffed heavy chains into his backpack.

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