Chapter 11: Bruised and Sick

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Yuuhime sat by the toilet bowl, her arms wrapped around her stomach like a tight web. She threw up once in the middle of the night, and now was scared to leave the bathroom in fear of making another mess.

Yamato had cleaned up her first mess, but she had a hunch he wouldn't be too happy if he had to clean up another one.

Her stomach whined and growled beneath her green pajama shirt and pants. She just knew that she got sick from the nasty bathroom from the fight club yesterday, but she could have also gotten sick from Yun, who had definitely grabbed her bare hand yesterday.

'What did he want to tell me...?' She leaned on the wall, only her thoughts were there to keep her company. She sorta regretted now not listening to him, because after she and Xuan's friends parted ways, she couldn't find Yun anywhere.

She had his number, but he wouldn't answer her messages, so she gave up that idea.

"Oh, my poor baby sister," Yamato opened the door to the bathroom and sighed, "I knew I shouldn't have let you go to that dirty fight club yesterday."

"It wasn't that bad," Yuuhime mumbled, "It was just the bathroom that was dirty."

"Did one of those pests get you sick?"

"No! They were perfectly fine. Well, besides Mona, she was still kinda beat up..."

Yamato sighed deeply and turned his back to Yuuhime, "Unfortunately, I have a very important place to be today, and I won't be here to take care of you."


"So call up one of your friends to come here. In fact, I'm calling Mr. Tang, get him sick so he can get the other pesky union members sick too."

Yuuhime puffed her cheeks out as Yamato left. Oh, if he could hear the things she was calling him in her mind! He'd wish he never made her feel less than a doll!

Her anger quickly bubbled away when she thought of Xuan coming to her room to take care of her. She wondered if he'd like her dolls, that she very carefully rearranged every day to make sure they all had a chance to see the sun from her small window.

"He'll be here in a hour!" Yamato said as he walked back into the bathroom. He had a glint in his eyes and a smirk on his face, causing her to feel even more wheezy.

"I'll make sure to stay until he arrives~" Yamato sang as he left the room. She got up herself, and looked at her reflection. Her face was makeup-less and slightly green. She cringed and plopped on the ground once more, hoping she didn't make Xuan sick like Yamato hoped.


Clutching the letter in one hand and his phone in the other, Xuan faced a desperate decision.

On one hand, he could skip work to go help Yuuhime, and avoid whatever Yamato meant by "my music box is dying to be used more" in his letter addressed to him. He would probably be on Yamato's good side then. After all, the letter as a whole was pretty threatening. He looked down at the letter.

He couldn't help but shudder. But he also couldn't help but think about how mad Raven would be if he skipped a whole day of work. His friends would worry too much, too.

But on the other hand, if he ignored Yamato's requests...

He hugged his arms after he grabbed his bag, stuffing the letter into it. He could handle Raven's disappointment and his friend's concern, he'd done it many times before.

He looked at the message Yamato sent once again.

'Hello, Mr. Tang. Yuuhime is very sick today, and I can't watch over her! Will you please come? Before you give me your response, remember the letter I sent you! ☆~(ゝ。∂) The address is **********. I do expect you to be here.'

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