Chapter 19: My Dear Friend

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A few hours earlier

Yuuhime woke up, looked outside, and went back to sleep.

"Not today." She told herself as she snuggled back into her bed.

"Yuuhime!" Yamato yelled as he barged into her room. She looked at him and grumbled.

"Can't talk. Still asleep. Zzzzz."

"Oh, don't be that way!" Yamato sighed happily, "It snowed so much more than it usually does, isn't that amazing?!"


"Oh, don't be that way!" He ripped her cozy blanket away and smiled sweetly.

She scowled. Before he changed, she would have laughed this off. Now, she wanted to punt him like a football halfway across the world.

"Get changed! I wanna go out for a drive!"

"At what time?"

"'s six am now, nine!"

Six? Was it really that early? Perhaps she had been going to sleep too early nowadays...

She reluctantly got up with a loud huff and got changed into her warmest clothes she owned. That only took five minutes, so she had four hours still. She trudged into the kitchen and grabbed the cookbook to make herself something.

She flipped through it, then spotted sugar cookies. She remembered a throwaway comment that Arcana made about how much he liked sugar cookies.

Aha! To pass the time, she'd make cookies. Brilliant, and maybe she could even get the cookies out to her friends at the Union.

"Hey, Yamato?" She called.

"Yes, dear Yuuhime?"

"Where might we be going on our drive?"

"Gyrate, why?"

"Ah, no reason..."

Yamato peeked over and saw the recipe. He smiled slightly, "Are you making them for someone?"

"Y-yeah, Xuan." of course, she was going to share it with all her friends, not just Xuan. But Yamato had a very vocal opinion on the other Union members, so just saying Xuan was easier.

"Aww, so lovely. Better get making them, then."

She nodded and started her hard work. She didn't really make cookies since she nor Yamato liked cookies all that much, so this would be an experiment.

"...that's a lot of flour." She mumbled to herself as she scooped the many cups of flour into the mixing bowl.

Once she finished mixing the dry and wet ingredients respectively, she slowly poured them together into the electric mixer. She watched all the ingredients mix together, smooshing and squashing together. She found this process very satisfying, unable to tear her eyes away for a very long time.

Finally, she covered the dough with a towel and let it sit in the fridge for an hour.

'Now I wait.' She flopped onto the couch and peeked at her communicator. The weather appeared to be bad not just here, but in Gyrate too. According to the weather report, the roads were unusable until further notice.

She sighed and looked out the window. There was still snow falling. Great. She snuggled into a blanket and grumbled.

With nothing to do, she counted the amount of times Yamato stopped and carefully stepped down the step into the kitchen. His poor ego still felt the bruise it got when Xuan tripped him, causing her great amusement.

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