Chapter 8: Xuans Fashionably Late Birthday

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"...then I cut the giant miramon down! The thing never stood a chance against me and the others." Xuan's sweet voice chatted on and on about his latest mission to Yuuhime through the phone. She smiled dreamily at his persistent chirping. Ultimately, she realized she was too much of a chicken to ask Xuan out.

Besides, she had no idea how Yamato felt about her hanging out with him. Even if he let her just fine, he also never let his feelings about the subject show. Often times, he would just get up and leave when she tried to bring it up.

"Oh, yeah, one more thing," she heard him fumbling with something that sounded like paper, "When's your birthday?"

"Hm? It's May 22, why?"

"I just gotta have everyone's birthdays down," He explained, "so that I can make sure no one gets forgotten."

"I see," She tapped her cheek, then said, "When's yours?"

"October 14."

"Eh? I missed your birthday?" She yelped

"It's fine," He reassured her, "I was in the hospital anyways, so it doesn't matter."

She sighed a little, "I'll be sure to write it down."

"Alright! I've gotta go, see ya!"

"Bye," The moment he hung up, she was off.

'Xuan likes pudding and soft clothes,' She listed off to herself, 'He dislikes being scared, so anything even remotely unsettling is a big no. Anything soft and cozy should be examined, I believe he is a medium in clothing. He deserves the best tasting pudding, so cheep one's are no. Would he like it better if I made some pudding myself?'

She was about to enter her room when she bumped into Yamato.


"Yuuhime! There you are," Yamato smiled down at his sister, "Why, you seem to be in a hurry."

"I'm going shopping," She announced.

"I see, for what?"

"I'm make some pudding."

"Hm," Yamato stood thinking, a look of superiority on his face, "Doesn't Mr. Tang Xuan enjoy pudding?"

"Y-yes." His questions made her annoyed more than anything. She wanted to leave as soon as possible to get everything she needed.

"Did you even consider that we may have everything you need here?" His question made her feel like he was talking down to her, as if she were stupid in his eyes.

"I was only going to-"

"I'm not stupid, you know," Yamato clicked, "You've been leaving more often."

"I have a life, you know..."

Yamato chuckled, "I'm deaf, not blind, Yuuhime."

"What does that even mean?"

"Your face."


"It's as red as your skirt whenever you talk to Tang Xuan."

"It can't be that red...he's just a friend."

"I'm quite good at reading lips, too," Yamato continued as if she never spoke, "I know your feelings. It's not smart to spill them out for everyone to see."

Yuuhime's face lost all its color. She bit her tongue. How could she be so careless? She worried for what Yamato would do to Xuan...

"He's the best pick, in my opinion," He smiled devilishly, "Strong, kind..."

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