Chapter 15: Thanks for Nothing

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A/N: There will be sickness in this chapter.

The Day of Thanks, the happiest day at the Union HQ. Everyone came together with their favorite foods and had a feast, stuffing themselves full with bird and potatoes and hanging out all night.

Xuan was currently cooking soup, something he found he was good at cooking when he made it for Yuuhime. He hummed, when his phone started to ring.

It was probably Yuuhime! She had called him everyday for two weeks straight to make sure he was feeling ok after he got attacked by five massive miramon.

Smiling, he peered down, then nearly knocking the pot over when he saw who it was: Yamato.

He knew the instant he saw the name why he was calling. He almost wanted to just not answer, but he feared that might cause more problems than it solved.

Slowly, he answered his communicator and continued to stir his soup, "Hello?"

"Mr. Tang Xuan!" Yamato sang. "It's The Day of Thanks~"

"I'm well aware." He said, straining his voice to not sound as annoyed as he felt.

"Wouldn't you be a doll and come over for me and Yuuhime's dinner this evening?"

Xuan scrunched his nose. He promised Ling he'd be at the Union's one to try his "special dish."

"Remember our little deal, too." Yamato's voice grew so cold Xuan physically shivered. Maybe it would be ok if Xuan missed least he'd escape Ling's definitely spicy dish.

He glanced at his soup and then out the window. He saw Espers busy outside for the celebration and feast. His stomach twisted in a sickeningly way, knowing that he'd have to miss the one day he felt truly happy and grateful to be alive.

"...I'll be there. Do I need to bring anything?"

"Glad you've made the right decision." Yamato chuckled. "No, don't bring anything, I've got all the food already. It's at 5:00. See you later, Mr. Tang Xuan~"

And he hung up.

Xuan pursed his lips. Now he had to figure out what do with all this soup. He stole a sip and decided it would be too good to not share.

He picked up the pot and set off to drop it off in the kitchen. He also grabbed his bag, which had his phone, some playing cards, a marker and a pad of paper. He'd just write a note so everyone knew it was him who made it.

"Hello, Tang Xuan!" He heard Ye Suhua call, "Did you make that yourself?"

"Yeah, I did!" He smiled, "It's super good, I promise."

"But, what are you doing with it out here?"

"Just gonna drop it off in the kitchen," he explained, "it'll be easier to get it out when it's time."

"Oh, I see." She smiled, before getting serious. "About your burns..."

"I'm still doing everything you told me," He interrupted her, "making sure to wash them gently, using my arms and legs whenever I can to make sure they stay strong, wrapping them up before I go to bed, the whole shebang."

"That's not what I mean, I mean that those burns came from an Esper."

He looked taken aback, so she elaborated, "Those burns are like lighting scars, but are still appearing to swell as if they're brand new. We took some samples from Mona's burns and found divine remnants inside her blood and on her skin, and found it acts like a cancerous cell."

"So you're saying I have Esper cancer? Pffft-"

"This is serious, Tang Xuan!"

"Sorry, sorry-It sounds ridiculous."

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