How it began

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I just graduated from highschool about two weeks ago. I still can't believe how fast time flies, but i'm still glad that I passed all the tests and exams. Of course I miss all of my friends, but I'm also excited that I'm visiting a university-campus soon. It was always my dream to visit it because I only heard good things of it and, it's in near of a beach. Lisa, my best friend, also graduated together with me and is going to the campus with me soon. Since it's far away, I have to move there which is kinda hart because my parents can't come with me. Not only because my whole family lives here and has a little business here, but also because i'm going to live at the little dorms at the campus.

I arleady got lots of informations for example, how long i'm going to stay there, the rules, what i will be doing there, that i'm going to live with a roommate and much more.

I really hope that Lisa is going to be my roommate since she's kinda of like a sister to me. We've known each other since we were 3 years old, now we're 18 and still best friends. My parents even treat her like their own daughter.

I still have 4 weeks to prepare myself for the university. I'm kinda sad tho, i'll be away from mu family for a long time and i don't know when i'm going to see them again. Also, I was never that far away from them. The longest period of time I wasn't at home, was when I visited my aunt in melbourne for five days. The University is somewhere in California and i'm on the other side of the world in South-Korea.


4 weeks later

As I already said, time flies. It feels like i just blinked and am now only 1 day away from my long, far trip to california. I'm packed may things until I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up and the first thing I heard was a excited Lisa who was screaming at the phone.


"Lis, why are you screaming like that? But no, I feel like I forgot something. I'm really scared and happy at the same time. By the way have you packed your things already?"

"Sorry, but yeah I'm ready, I actually called because I wanted to ask if I can't spend the last night at yours? You know, your parents are kinda my parents too, I wanted to say goodbye to them properly. Oh and have you got the listings for who our roommates are?" Lisa asked.

"I didn't, I thought we will get them when we're there? Anyways, Lis I'm sorry I have to go but some things for the flight and everything, you can just come in as always! See ya!" I hung up the phone and put my shoes on.

It wasn't any excuse since I really have to buy some things. I need a new toothbrush and some snacks and drinks.

At the supermarket I was thinking about a lot of things, at the beginning I was happy, going finally to a university and everything, but what if something happens here while i'm away? Who's going to help my parents? My sister, Alice, is never at home. Who is gonna be there for my friends if they're going through a hard time? The only one I have is Hank, my dog (and Lisa of course). Since he's not to big, I can take him with me, but Lisa, who has like five cats and a dog, sadly can't take them with her. At the papers we got is written, that only one pet per person is allowed.

I was so deep in thoughts, that I didn't even noticed when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry- oh Rosie, it's you" It's Jake, one of my old classmates. We were actually pretty good friends.

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