Time to say goodbye

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3 days left.

3 days.

There were so many things we wanted to do before we go apart, yet we didn't even got to do half of the things.

We're currently cleaning our dorm before leaving it soon.

"I'm home!" I heard Rosie yelling who came back buying us lunch, "I bought some chicken, soda and french fries!" she exclaimed as I entered the kitchen.

Even though she smiles, I see a hint of sadness in her eyes. They don't glimmer as much as they used to.

She brought her fingers up to the necklace I was wearing, the one with our initials in it.

"I love you so much." the blonde girl whispered before she wrapped her arms around me, embracing me in a tight hug.

I hugged her back and felt my eyes become teary, "I love you too. We should eat,"

I pulled away from the hug and wiped away the tears that were streaming down her cheeks.

We sat on the couch and watched our movie together while eating lunch.

"I think I should pack my things today so it won't stress me out if I do it on the last day. Plus, I want to spend every single second, until the last with you!" I said while eating.

"Is there anything specific you want to do?" Rosie asked while taking a sip of her soda.

"To be honest, I don't know... I just want to spend time with you, somehow... but I want to visit the beach for a last time! That's for sure! The weather is great these days."

"What about today? Like in the evening, when it's warm but not too hot, but still warm enough to swim? At the sunset."

"Sounds great!" we finished eating and threw away the packaging's that came with the food.

"Uhm, Jisoo?"


"Should we maybe do something before going to the beach? Like eating some ice cream or meet with Jennie and Lisa? Maybe we could even go to eat dinner at a fancy restaurant afterwards?"

"Not bad, what about we go out with Lisa and Jennie until we go to the beach so we could eat dinner alone?" I think that sounds better... I mean, we should spend time with our friends as well! I'll see Lisa after the holidays, but you won't. Also, Jennie got more closer to me, she became my friend so I also would like to spend some time with her."

Rosie called Lisa and Jennie and asked them if they're free today and want to hang out with us, fortunately they said yes.

"Great!" my girlfriend said before I wrapped my arms tightly around her and smelled onto her smell. I love that smell. I love her.

We got ready and put our bikinis under our clothes so we can get faster into the water later.

At 4Pm, we met Jennie and Lisa at an ice cream café and walked in.

Fortunately, there was still a table for four free. I sat next to Rosie, while Lisa and Jennie sat in front of us.

"I think I'll go with this one," Rosie said quietly while pointing at an ice cream on the menu card.

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