Chapter 11

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They go to a school from kindergarten to high school but the students are split of into different sections of the building. Just a bit of info before we start! ^

Trista's POV

I walked into Kristen's room after a long night of letting her rest before we could see her. She looked so pale and it was so sad to see her with all the tubes coming out of her.

"Hey," I said to her "How're you feeling?"

"I feel fine, can't wait to get out of this dump," she whined than went into a coughing fit.

"Are you okay? Should I get the doctor? Do you want water?" I rushed to her side.

"I'm fine, stop worrying about me," she said in between coughs.

"I'm sorry, you just, well, you keep, look I'm scared, I don't want to lose you," I said tears escaping my eyes. She grabbed my arms and pulled me into a hug.


Kristens POV

After I was in the hospital for a month closely monitored I was finally discharged. I have to be in a brace for another 3-4 weeks because of my knee.

I started going back to school but I had a lot of catching up to do from  being gone so long. Luckily Ms. CorVelle is very understanding and helps me a lot.

'Monday, another new week at school', I thought as I hobbled out of the door and headed towards Trista's house. I was almost there when I started to feel dizzy. She was only 2 more houses down so I kept going.

Once I got there rang her doorbell and sat down in her driveway. "Hey Kris, ready to go?" Trista asked crouching down in front of me. I shook my head slightly and she sat down next to me. She grabbed my hand and I was out.

I woke up and slowly raised my head from my lap. "How long?" I mumbled.

"3 minutes," Trista stood up  and offered me a hand.

I stood up feeling groggy and dizzy but we had to get to school or we will be late. Trista rubbed my shoulder and we walked of to school.

Once we arrived I noticed Levi and Nathan and waved. Levi waved back and smiled. We walked into class and sat at our table. Our teacher began clapping her hands to get our attention. "Good morning class! Today we have a new student, why don't you introduce yourself to the class. Tell us your name and where your from!" Mrs CorVelle announced excitedly.

"Hi, my name is Emerson Coleson and I'm from Houston, Texas. You can call me Emy," She informed us and the teacher motioned for her to sit at our table.

"Class lets open our books to page 32 and read 32-62, the. discuss the questions in your packet. Emy, I'm sure you read to 32 as advised by the principle correct?" Mrs CorVelle asked.

"Of course," Emy answered in her sweet southern accent.

Finally after all that school was out and I wanted to catch Emy before I left with Levi. "Levi, I'm going to go talk to a friend real quick, wait up," I told him before hobbling away.

"Emy, hi! I'm Kristen, I sat at your table today. I just wanted to catch you before you left. If you ever wanted anyone to sit with at lunch or need someone to befriend, Trista and I would love to befriend you, you seem nice," I said to her.

"Oh of course thank you! I couldn't have had a better first day here. I will take up that offer and see you tomorrow," she said waving then started walking the same way as me.

"You live this way?"  I asked

"Yeah, I live on West Virginia Street."
"Oh my gosh I live on the street over! Want to walk home with my brother and I?" I asked thrilled.

"Sure," she smiled and we walked towards Levi.

"Levi, this is Emy, she's new here. She lives over on West Virginia and she's going to walk home with us," I said telling him rather than asking. He nodded and we set off. I started to feel slightly dizzy. 'Oh no, this can't be happening, not in front of the new girl. She'll get scared off,' I thought.

"Levi," I whispered "It's happening."

"Really, here, now, in front of her," He whispered back pointing at her discretely. I nodded, and immediately regretted it, bring pain to my head and making it spin.

Levi's POV

Kristen grabbed my arm and I looked at her as she grew pale.
I quickly lowered her to the ground. "What's going on," Emy asked looking concerned.

"Kris, you ok?" I asked her and she nodded. "Kristen has POTS which means her heart rate increases and that can cause her to feel dizzy and faint," I explained.

Emy sighed in relief "Ok, what can I do?" She asked.

"We can't stop it so, not much we just wait it out." I turned to my sister. "Is this the first time today?" I whispered in her ear. She shook her head no and mouthed Trista's and morning.

I sat down next to her and rubbed her arm. Emy plopped down next to me looking at her watch.

"Look, I'm sorry but its almost 4 and I have to be home soon. Sorry can I catch you guys later my mom might kill me." She said nervously.

"Oh, Emy right? Its no problem umm I guess Kristen will see you at school tomorrow," I told her and waved her off. Emy walked away and I looked over at Kristen.

Kristen was breathing hard and growing paler by the second. She squeezed my hand then passed out. I pulled out my phone and called Anna.

"Hey, Anna? Yeah Kristen's fainted. Were about a block or two from the house. Just wanted to tell you we'll be late. Yeah. Love you, bye."

I hung up the phone and laid Kristen on her back raising her legs bring blood flow back. She started to stir and I slowly lowered her legs "Kris, how're you feeling," I asked.

"I feel nauseas, will you take me h-home."

"Of course Kris, you passed out though so lets just stay here for a minute, and let you rest," I told her pulling her into my lap.

Once she was feeling better I helped her up. We started the walk home and got to the house in a short 5 minutes.

Once we got home I told Kristen to go lie down and made myself a snack. "Hey Levi, how was school?" Anna asked.

"It was okay,"

"Ok great, how's Nathaniel doing."

"It's just Nathan, Anna," I snapped and stormed up to my room. I really didn't want to talk right now.

'dang-it,' I thought as I walked towards my room. I need to text Nathan about that school project.

[ Nathan ]

Hey bro, what subject should we do for the project?

Environmental Issues


I just like the environment dude, ok 😭

😂 lol


I was so tired from all the stuff that has happened today. I decided to got to bed early at 7:00. I couldn't sleep at all. The scene kept running through my head and it hurts.

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