Chapter 19

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Levi's POV

I couldn't believe what I had heard. Nathan had been hit by a car and it was all my fault. I ran to Kristen's room and knocked on the door, "Come in!" she hollered and walked in, sitting on the edge of her bed. "What is it?" she asked me. I wasn't sure how to explain it to her.

"I-I-I well, I just came to see if you were erm, awake yes." I stuttered. Failing to tell her the truth.

"I am now, get out so I can get ready for school," she said pushing me out of her room. I walked back to my room and started getting ready. I was really scared, what had happened to Nathan, and why was his dad here?

None's POV

Levi's heart raced as he tried to process the situation. The thought of Nathan being in trouble and his dad being involved sent waves of anxiety through his body. As he continued to get ready, his mind couldn't stop replaying the conversation from the previous night.

Why had he been so mean?

As he stepped into the shower, the hot water cascading over his body, Levi could feel his breathing becoming shallow. His chest tightened, and he struggled to catch his breath. Panic started to consume him, and he could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage.

He clutched his chest, feeling the overwhelming weight of fear and anxiety. His thoughts raced, and his vision blurred as he tried to regain control.

He collapsed against the wall gasping for air he reached for the knob to turn off the water but slipped and fell to the ground. On his way down his head smacked against the wall and everything went dark.

Kristen's POV

I finished my shower and went downstairs for breakfast. Levi wasn't at the table yet but I assumed that he was just finishing up.

After half an hour almost we had to leave, Trista had an appointment so Levi needed to drive me, "LEVI!" I called up the stairs, "Are you ready to go? We need to leave," I said opening his bedroom door.

I looked in to see he wasn't there odd, "Levi? Where are you?" I yelled before I heard the shower water running. "Levi, are you in there? If you don't answer me I'm coming in!" I yelled through the door.

There was no answer and I soon grew worried. I turned the handle and luckily it was unlocked. "I'm coming in!" I yelled opening the door. I screamed at what I saw.

Trista's POV

I am at an appointment for the doctors at 9AM. I've been feeling dizzy and getting bad headaches. I got up this morning feeling really weak, my mom decided we should go visit the doctor. That's when my body gave up and I fainted and woke up at the doctors office. Now I'm sitting in here while the doctor drones on about possible causes.

As the doctor continued on about the tests my brain grew fuzzy and I put my head between my knees to try to stop the dizziness. "Help--" I said as I slumped off the medical exam table. The last thing I saw was my body hitting the floor as darkness took over me.

Anna's POV

I heard a blood curdling scream from upstairs. I ran up there to see Kristen standing over Levi, who was bleeding from his head and out cold, in the shower. "What happened?" I said trying to stay calm.

"I don't know, I came to find him so we could leave and he was like this," Kristen said tears forming in her eyes. I rapped him in a towel while Kristen phoned EMS (Emergency Medical Services).

The paramedics arrived shortly and assessed Levi's condition. Kristen and I went into the ambulance and he was rushed inside while we were banished to the waiting room. Kristen slumped into a chair while I paced back and forth, awaiting results.

After an hour or so a nurse came out, "Levi Zinicalleis's Family?" I raised my hand and pulled Kristen back with me. The nurse led us to a small consultation room, where we anxiously waited for the doctor to arrive.

The room felt suffocating, filled with worry and uncertainty. Kristen sat on the edge of her seat, her hands trembling, while I tried to keep a calm façade for her sake.

Finally, the door swung open, and a middle-aged doctor entered the room with a concerned expression on his face. He introduced himself as Dr. Anderson and sat down across from us.

"Your brother, Levi, fainted from a panic attack in the shower," he began, his voice gentle yet grave. "He suffered a head injury and lost consciousness. We've performed a CT scan, and the results show that he has a mild concussion." I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

After a few minutes of explanation we were escorted to Levi's room. I sat beside his bed and took his limp hand in mine. Kristen sat beside me staring at him in disbelief. She looked away and sobbed quietly. I rubbed her back and whispered in her ear "He'll be okay."

Trista's POV

I woke up on the ground with 2 fuzzy figures standing over me. "Trista? Can you hear me?" A voice asked, my mother. I nodded slowly as my vision cleared.

"Do you know what happened?" The doctor asked me.

"Fainted?" I said feeling a bit puzzled. My mother nodded slowly.

"We're going to get you transferred to a hospital for further examination," The doctor said, explaining that he had called an ambulance.

Once I had been put in the ambulance we drove off. I felt pretty good other than the fact that my head was killing me. My mother said I had hit my head on the way down. My head still felt fuzzy and weird.

As the ambulance rushed towards the hospital, I felt a mix of confusion and concern. The throbbing pain in my head persisted, making it difficult to fully grasp what had just transpired. I tried to piece together the events leading up to my fainting episode, but my thoughts felt hazy and fragmented.

My mother held my hand tightly, her worried gaze fixed on me. I could sense her concern and fear, mirroring my own emotions. The paramedics monitored my vital signs and offered reassurance, but my mind couldn't shake off the lingering unease.

Arriving at the hospital, I was swiftly taken to an examination room. A team of doctors and nurses surrounded me, asking questions and conducting various tests to understand the cause of my fainting episode and persistent headaches.

My head continued to throb, and the room spun with a dizzying intensity. I struggled to focus on the doctors' questions, my mind clouded by the lingering effects of my fall and the confusion that followed.

Hours passed as tests were conducted, results were analyzed, and consultations were sought. My mother remained by my side throughout, offering unwavering support and comforting words. The atmosphere in the hospital was charged with tension and anticipation, as everyone involved sought answers and solutions.

After another 20 minutes of waiting and a doctor came in. "Hi! I'm Dr. Shayla Walker. Nice to meet you!" She said happily. "We have the results from your tests. We assumed it was from lack of eating or dehydration, but when we performed the tests we found something different." She announced as I sucked in a breath, ready to hear what was wrong with me.

"You had fainted from low blood pressure. While you were here your blood pressure remained below the normal rate," Dr. Walker continued "We're going to send you home, we want to monitor your blood pressure frequently to see what it looks like during a normal, active day," She pulled something out of her bag.

"This device will go on your arm and monitor your blood pressure, day an night," She showed it to me then attached it to my wrist. "What happens if she faints?" My mother asked.

"If she does faint check her blood pressure and raise her legs above her head. Once she wakes up, move slowly and make sure she didn't hurt herself. Give lots of fluids," We both nodded and she grabbed the discharge paper work.

"Sign these, I'm going to set up the monitor. Come back next week and we'll see from there," She fiddled with the monitor while I waited to be done. Once she was finished I was wheeled to the car (Hospital Policy) and we went home.

Hey guys, 1,400 words! Thanks for sticking around and waiting for this. It took me a while since I've been pretty busy lately. This chapter was action packed, what were your thoughts? I hope you enjoyed this, new chapters for my other books are coming soon!


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