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(Not obligatory to the main story, but i recommend reading it for a better understanding)

Eleanor Bauer stood before the imposing entrance of her family's grand estate. The evening sky was draped in shades of orange and pink, casting a bittersweet glow over the moment. Her heart pounded in her chest as she clutched a small duffel bag, her lifeline to the outside world. 

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the confrontation that awaited her inside. Eleanor's family had always been renowned for their wealth and prestige. From a young age, her parents had set high expectations for her, pushing her into dance lessons, not for her enjoyment, but for the social status it would bring. They saw her as a symbol of their success, an extension of their carefully curated image. But dancing had become more than a means to an end for Eleanor—it had become her solace, her escape from the suffocating pressures of her privileged life.

As Eleanor entered the opulent foyer, the familiar air of privilege surrounded her. The chandeliers cast a sparkling light that danced across the marble floors, and the walls adorned with exquisite art whispered tales of sophistication and refinement. It was a facade that had shielded her from the realities of the outside world for far too long.Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bauer, stood at the end of the grand hallway, their expressions a mixture of disappointment and anger. Eleanor's mother, with her perfectly coiffed hair and sharp gaze, broke the tense silence.

"Eleanor, we've had enough of your mediocre performance in school," her mother admonished, her voice dripping with disdain. "You have tarnished the reputation of our family with your lackluster grades. Dancing? Frivolous nonsense!"Her father, a stern man with an unwavering gaze, added, 

"We gave you every opportunity, every advantage, and this is how you repay us? By squandering your potential?"Eleanor's heart sank. She had hoped her parents would understand her passion, but their priorities lay solely in the preservation of their social standing."Mom, Dad, please listen," Eleanor pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. 

"Dancing is my passion, my outlet. I can't continue living a life that doesn't fulfill me."Her mother scoffed, her eyes filled with cold indifference. 

"Passion won't pay the bills, Eleanor. It won't secure your future or ensure your place in society. We've given you everything, and this is how you repay us? By wanting to drop out of high school?"The weight of their disappointment crushed Eleanor's spirit. She felt the world closing in around her. The thought of conforming to their stifling expectations, sacrificing her dreams, was suffocating.

"I can't continue this way," Eleanor said, her voice trembling but resolute. "I need to find my own path, pursue my own dreams. If that means leaving this house, then so be it."
Her parents exchanged a disapproving glance, their expressions hardening even further. Mr. Bauer's voice was laced with bitterness as he delivered the final blow. 

"If that's what you want, Eleanor, then consider yourself disowned. You are no longer welcome in this house. Pack your belongings and leave."Eleanor's eyes welled up with tears, a mix of sadness and relief coursing through her veins. She had expected their disapproval, but their disownment stung like an open wound.Without another word, Eleanor turned and made her way to her room. The duffel bag she clutched tightly contained her most cherished possessions—a few clothes, some photographs, and her dreams of a life less ordinary. 

As she packed, her emotions swirled in a tumultuous storm, a blend of heartbreak and newfound determination.With her belongings in hand, Eleanor descended the grand staircase for what felt like the last time. The opulence of her surroundings, once a source of pride, now served as a painful reminder of the life she was leaving behind.She walked out into the evening air, the fading light a symbol of her past. As the gates of her family's estate closed behind her, Eleanor took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of freedom. Her journey was just beginning, and while the road ahead was uncertain, she knew in her heart that she had made the right choice.

With her head held high and a spark of determination in her eyes, Eleanor Bauer set forth on her own path—a path that would lead her to unexpected adventures, newfound friendships, and a chance to discover who she truly was beyond the confines of her family's expectations. Little did she know that destiny had something extraordinary in store for her—a journey that would intertwine her life with the rising stars of Tokio Hotel and forever change the course of her story.

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