Drinking Habits

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As the morning sun cast a warm glow through the hotel room window, Tom sat on the edge of his bed, a serious expression etched across his face. Bill, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, groggily took a seat next to him.

"Bill, we need to talk," Tom began, his tone firm but filled with concern.

Bill yawned and stretched, his brows furrowing slightly at Tom's serious demeanor. "What's up, Tom? Is something wrong?"

Tom took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "It's about last night, and not just last night but in general. I've noticed how much Eleanor and you have been drinking lately, and it's starting to worry me."

Bill's eyes widened in surprise, his sleepy state fading away. "What? You think we're drinking too much?"

Tom nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, I do. Look, I'm all for having a good time, but we have to be responsible. We're in a demanding profession, and alcohol can be dangerous if not handled properly."

Bill's features softened as he took in Tom's words. "I understand your concern, Tom, but you have to trust that we know our limits. We're not reckless."

Tom sighed, running a hand through his dreadlocks. "I know you both are adults and can make your own choices, but I care about both of you. I don't want to see anyone getting hurt or jeopardizing our performances."

Bill shifted in his seat, his expression contemplative. "You're right. We need to be more mindful. I'll talk to Eleanor about it and make sure we're more responsible."

Tom nodded, relief washing over him. "Thank you, Bill. I appreciate that. We're a team, and we have to look out for each other."

Bill's gaze drifted toward the floor for a moment before he spoke up again. "Hey, by the way, about running away from you guys last night... It was Eleanor's idea, not mine. She wanted to have a bit of fun, you know, be spontaneous."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Tom's lips. "Well, I should've known she had a hand in it. That girl always keeps us on our toes."

Bill chuckled, a sense of camaraderie returning to the conversation. "Yeah, she does. But we'll make sure to rein it in. We're heading back home today, and we need to be in top shape for whatever comes our way."

Tom clapped a hand on Bill's shoulder, a mix of relief and gratitude in his eyes. "That's the spirit, Bill. Let's make sure we're in control and ready to conquer the world."


The plane engines hummed steadily as the band settled into their seats for the flight back home. Eleanor found herself sitting next to Bill, grateful for his comforting presence. The seat closest to the aisle remained empty, providing a small sense of privacy.

In front of them, Tom, Gustav, and Georg were engaged in a lively conversation, their laughter occasionally reaching Eleanor's ears. Their vibrant energy contrasted with Eleanor and Bill's hangover-induced weariness.

Eleanor leaned her head against the headrest, closing her eyes momentarily, but Tom's occasional glances in her direction didn't go unnoticed. She couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and longing, wondering what he might be thinking.

Meanwhile, Bill leaned back in his seat, nursing a headache and occasionally glancing at Eleanor, concern etched on his face. He couldn't shake off the words Tom had spoken earlier, cautioning him about their drinking habits. As much as he enjoyed a good time, he didn't want to compromise their well-being.

A mischievous thought crossed Eleanor's mind as she discreetly rummaged through her backpack. Her fingers grasped two small shots, and a mischievous grin curved her lips. She offered one to Bill, who hesitated, the echoes of Tom's advice lingering in his mind.

"Come on, Bill, it's just a small shot," Eleanor whispered, her eyes sparkling with mischief.Bill hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between Eleanor and the tiny vial in her hand. He knew he should decline, but a part of him couldn't resist Eleanor's charm. Reluctantly, he accepted the shot, knowing that it was better if he kept it away from her.

"Just this one, okay? We need to take it easy," Bill muttered, his voice filled with concern as he pocketed the shot.

Eleanor nodded, oblivious to the internal struggle Bill had just endured. She raised her own shot to her lips and downed it swiftly, relishing the familiar burn that spread through her body. The liquid warmed her from within, momentarily easing the fatigue.

As the flight continued, their conversation turned quieter, and Eleanor leaned her head against the window, gazing out at the passing clouds. Her mind wandered to the events of the previous night, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. No regrets lingered within her, only memories of laughter and freedom.

Bill, on the other hand, watched Eleanor from the corner of his eye, concern etched in his features. He had taken the second shot from her, not wanting her to overindulge. He knew it was a small gesture, but he hoped it would convey his care for her well-being.

Silence enveloped the plane cabin as the journey continued, broken only by the gentle hum of the engines. The exhaustion of the past night weighed heavily on Eleanor and Bill, and they both found solace in the lull of the plane.

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