Better Half

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Eleanor stepped out of the hotel, a smile playing on her lips as she saw the familiar faces of the band waiting for her. She greeted them warmly, embracing each one in turn, careful not to give away the secret that burned within her.

"Hey guys, ready to head out?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine excitement.

Georg smirked and nudged Tom playfully. "Where's your better half, Eleanor?"

Eleanor chuckled, feigning innocence. "Oh, he's still getting ready. You know how he is, always taking his time."

Bill raised an eyebrow, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Is that so? Taking his time, huh?"

Eleanor shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, you know Tom. He's got his own way of doing things."

Gustav chimed in, his voice filled with playful teasing. "Sure, sure. We all know how Tom likes to make an entrance."

Eleanor laughed, her eyes darting towards the hotel entrance. "Well, he's missing out on all the fun then."

As the band made their way to their destination, they engaged in lively conversation, reminiscing about the weekend's highlights and sharing stories from previous tours. Eleanor skillfully navigated the conversation, ensuring the focus remained on the band's experiences rather than her own.

Tom eventually joined the group, effortlessly slipping into the rhythm of their banter. He greeted them with a casual smile, his eyes briefly meeting Eleanor's before diverting his attention to the rest of the band.

Gustav elbowed Tom playfully. "Took you long enough, mate. What were you doing in there?"

Tom grinned mischievously. "Oh, you know, just making sure everything was in order. Can't keep the others waiting, right?"

Bill smirked, his eyes flickering with curiosity. "Right, right. We all know how important it is to keep things in order."

Eleanor interjected with a playful tone. "Exactly! We wouldn't want anything to be out of place, would we?"

The band erupted in laughter, their camaraderie filling the air as they continued on their way. Eleanor and Tom exchanged brief glances, their secret hidden behind their playful masks.As the night unfolded, the band shared laughter, music, and the kind of bond that only true friends could forge. Eleanor and Tom navigated the delicate dance of secrecy, stealing stolen glances and subtle touches that went unnoticed by the others.Their hidden love pulsed beneath the surface, an electric current that fueled their interactions and added a secret layer of intensity to their shared experiences. And as the night drew to a close, the band dispersed, their hearts filled with the memories of a weekend they would never forget.

Eleanor and Tom lingered for a moment, their eyes locked in silent understanding. They exchanged a sweet, lingering kiss before parting ways, their secret love safely tucked away until the next stolen moment they would share.

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