New apartment, new suprises

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Eleanor arrived at the apartment block that would now be her temporary home, her excitement bubbling within her. She glanced around, taking in the surroundings, and noticed the individual rooms assigned to each band member. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw her name next to one of the doors, confirming that this was indeed her new home.

Gustav and Georg had individual rooms, while Tom and Bill shared one. Eleanor felt a sense of anticipation, knowing that she would soon be living in such close proximity to them. She wondered what their interactions would be like, especially considering Tom's initial distant demeanor towards her.

As the day wore on, Eleanor found herself unpacking and organizing her belongings, making her new space feel more like home. Despite her eagerness to meet the band members, she understood that they were likely preoccupied with their own schedules and responsibilities. With a sigh, she resolved to give them some space and let fate take its course.

Nightfall enveloped the city, and the clock struck midnight. Suddenly, Eleanor was jolted from her thoughts by a cacophony of loud voices and laughter echoing through the hallway. Curiosity got the better of her, and she cautiously opened her door to investigate the commotion.

To her surprise, she discovered the four boys of Tokio Hotel riding scooters through the hall, their boisterous voices and laughter echoing off the walls. Eleanor's eyes widened with amusement and a hint of disbelief. She watched as they whizzed past her, their energy infectious.

Feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Eleanor debated whether to join in or retreat back into her room. Ultimately, she chose not to, not wanting to intrude or make her presence known just yet. She quietly closed her door, her heart pounding with the surreal realization that she was now a part of this ...this life

As the raucous scooter ride continued outside her door, Eleanor couldn't help but smile to herself. The sounds of laughter and camaraderie seeped through the walls, filling her with a sense of belonging and warmth. She knew that this was just the beginning of the adventure that lay ahead—a journey that would intertwine her life with those of the band members she had come to acknowledge existed.

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