Bauer Girl

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The atmosphere in the elegant dining hall was lively and filled with animated conversations. The band, along with Eleanor, sat together at a beautifully set table, adorned with fine china and flickering candles. The aroma of delectable cuisine filled the air as waitstaff served the first course, a delicate seafood dish.

Amidst the laughter and friendly banter, Tom found himself engaged in a spirited discussion with Georg about their favorite guitarists. Their voices mingled with the clinking of silverware and the soft background music playing throughout the room.

As the main course was served, a striking woman in a revealing dress made her grand entrance, her eyes immediately fixed on Tom. She sauntered over to their table, a confident smile playing on her lips. "Well, hello there," she purred, her voice laced with flirtation. "Care to join me for a night of excitement and adventure?"

Tom raised an eyebrow, amused by the woman's audacity. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm here with my friends," he replied, gesturing to the rest of the band.

Undeterred, the woman leaned closer, her gaze lingering on Eleanor. "Ah, is it because of that 'Bauer-girl' then? I've heard quite a bit about her," she taunted.

Eleanor felt a knot form in her stomach, her eyes narrowing slightly as she braced herself for the impending onslaught. The woman continued, her words sharp and laced with malice. "You know, it's quite the tragic story. Her parents using her for prestige, only to discard her like yesterday's news when she couldn't meet their expectations. They deemed her useless, and after hearing about her academic failures, I can see why."

Bill's eyes flashed with anger as he leaned forward, his voice firm. "That's enough. You have no right to speak about anyone like that,"

The woman laughed, a cold and mocking sound. "Oh, I'm just stating the facts, darling. And honestly, who would want someone like her? A failure, an outcast."

Eleanor sat frozen in her seat, her heart pounding in her chest. The words stung, reopening wounds she had long tried to heal. She felt a wave of vulnerability wash over her, the pain of her past momentarily overwhelming her.

But before the woman could continue her verbal assault, Bill abruptly stood up, his voice commanding. "Security! We have an unwanted guest here. Escort her out, please."

Within moments, security personnel arrived and escorted the woman away, her protests fading into the distance. The room fell into an uneasy silence, the weight of the encounter hanging heavy in the air.

Eleanor sat in silence, her mind reeling from the painful memories that had been dredged up. The warm words of her bandmates, meant to console and support her, seemed distant and indistinct. She felt detached, as if she were observing the scene from a distance.

Bill, his voice filled with concern, reached out to her. "Eleanor, are you alright?"She blinked, her gaze finally refocusing on the present moment. Eleanor nodded silently, her voice barely a whisper. "I'm fine. Just... shaken."

Tom, his earlier playfulness replaced with genuine worry, gently placed a hand on her arm. "Eleanor, don't listen to what she said. You are not defined by your past or what others say about you. You are strong and talented."

Eleanor managed a faint smile, her gratitude evident in her eyes. She appreciated their support, even if she couldn't fully absorb their words in that moment.

The dinner continued, but Eleanor remained quiet, lost in her thoughts. The vibrant conversations around her melded into a dull hum as she struggled to regain her composure. The night that had begun with anticipation and joy had been marred by cruel words, leaving an indelible mark on her spirit.

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