Walk of Shame

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Eleanor slowly opened her eyes, the morning light filtering through the curtains casting a soft glow upon the room. As she glanced at the peacefully slumbering Tom, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She carefully slid out of bed, slipping her silk robe on and tying it loosely around her waist. With a gentle step, she walked out of the bedroom, intending to savor a few moments of solitude.

To her surprise, the sight that awaited her in the living room was far from solitary. The entire band, Georg, Gustav, and Bill, sat perched on various couches and chairs, their eyes fixed on her. Eleanor's brows furrowed, confusion etched across her features.

Georg, always one for mischief, grinned mischievously, his tone laced with playful curiosity. "Ah, Eleanor, it seems like you've had quite the night. We're all here to witness the infamous walk of shame."

Gustav, leaning back in his chair, chimed in with a chuckle. "Yeah, we figured we couldn't miss this momentous occasion. So, spill the details, Eleanor. What happened?"

Eleanor's eyes darted from one band member to another, their expectant gazes fueling her discomfort. She took a deep breath and replied firmly, "Nothing happened, guys. Just a fun night out with Tom."

Bill leaned forward, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he teased, "Are you sure about that? You seem awfully quiet for someone who had a wild night."

Eleanor shot a quick glance toward the bedroom, seeing Tom get out of bed, silently urging him to remain silent. Understanding her unspoken plea, Tom emerged from the bedroom, his demeanor calm and collected. He joined Eleanor's side, offering a reassuring smile to the rest of the band.

Georg raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Well, well, Tommy, care to enlighten us? Did you and Eleanor have a wild night after all?"

Tom's gaze locked with Eleanor's for a brief moment, a silent agreement passing between them. He gracefully deflected the prying questions with a nonchalant shrug. "Sorry to disappoint, guys. Just a fun night out. We kept it casual."

Gustav leaned forward, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, come on, Tom. You can't fool us that easily. We know chemistry when we see it. Something definitely happened."

Tom chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Well, if something did happen, it's between Eleanor and me. Our little secret, right?"

Eleanor couldn't help but smile at his response, grateful for his discretion. The band persisted with their playful interrogations, but Tom's easy charm and Eleanor's persistent silence skillfully deflected their prying curiosity.

As the morning unfolded, laughter and banter filled the air, gradually easing the tension that had initially hung in the room. The band eventually moved on to discussing their plans for the day, diverting the conversation away from Eleanor and Tom's night.


Eleanor sat at the table, sipping her coffee and nibbling on a croissant as she watched Tom, Gustav, and Georg head towards the breakfast buffet for seconds. Bill remained seated beside her, his gaze thoughtful.

Bill leaned in slightly, his voice low and concerned. "Eleanor, I hope you know that you can trust me. If anything happened between you and Tom last night, you can talk to me about it."

Eleanor met Bill's gaze, her expression softening. She appreciated his concern and the genuine friendship he offered. She replied with a reassuring smile, "Thanks, Bill. I really appreciate your support. But honestly, nothing happened. It was just a fun night out with Tom. We're both chill about it."

Bill nodded, his eyes searching hers for any hint of uncertainty. "Are you sure, Eleanor? You know you can confide in me. I'm here for you."

Eleanor reached across the table, placing her hand on top of Bill's. Her touch carried warmth and gratitude. "I know, Bill, and I'm grateful for your friendship. If something ever comes up, you'll be the first person I talk to. But right now, I promise you, everything is fine. No need to worry."

Bill gave her a small smile, his concern melting away. "Alright, Eleanor. I trust you. Just know that I'm here if you ever need me. We're like family, after all."

Eleanor squeezed his hand gently, a gesture of appreciation. "Absolutely, Bill. We're all in this together."

As the conversation concluded, Tom, Gustav, and Georg returned to the table, their plates filled with a mouthwatering assortment of breakfast delicacies. The group resumed their lively chatter, laughter and camaraderie filling the air.

Eleanor glanced around the table, a warmth blossoming in her heart. These were her friends, her chosen family, who stood by her side through the highs and lows. And while she cherished the bond she shared with Tom, she also treasured the unwavering support and understanding that radiated from each member of the band.

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