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As the night's fervor still coursed through their veins, Tom and Eleanor raced back to their room, their laughter mingling with stolen kisses that left them breathless. Their hands sought each other's warmth, pulling one another closer with a magnetic pull they couldn't resist.

Amidst their hurried steps, their lips met in a frenzy of desire, conveying wordless promises of longing and passion. With every press of their mouths, their souls intertwined, an unspoken understanding blooming between them.

Breaking away for a moment, Eleanor's voice, filled with a sensual whisper, breathed against Tom's ear, "You make me feel alive, Tom. Let's keep this fire burning."

Tom's response was a husky murmur, his voice laden with desire, "I want to taste your lips until the world fades away, until there's only you and me."

Their pace quickened, urgency guiding their every move as they stumbled into their room. Yet, as they reached the threshold of unbridled passion, a wave of nausea washed over Eleanor, her body demanding release from the excesses of the night.

Without hesitation, Tom's concern superseded his desire, and he led her to the bathroom, tenderly holding her hair away from her face as she emptied her stomach. The sound of her retching filled the room, contrasting with the vibrant energy that had permeated their earlier moments.

When Eleanor finally finished, exhaustion etched across her features, Tom could see the toll the night had taken on her. She confessed, her voice weak but tinged with gratitude, "I'm so tired, Tom. I have no energy left in me."

Tom's eyes filled with tenderness as he reassured her, his voice a soothing lullaby, "It's alright, love. Just rest. I'll take care of you."

Gently, Tom undressed Eleanor, unzipping her dress for the umpteenth time, his touch feather-light as he brushed her hair away from her face. He wiped away the remnants of her makeup, exposing the raw vulnerability beneath the façade.

Guiding her to bed, Tom nestled himself beside her, his arms enveloping her in a protective embrace. Their bodies molded together, finding solace and comfort in the intimacy of their connection. In the depths of their shared exhaustion, they found solace in each other's arms, drifting into a peaceful slumber that whispered promises of a love yet to unfold.

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