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Eleanor sat alone in a private room, nursing her broken nose with an ice bag. The pain throbbed incessantly, but she knew it would heal with time. Just as she was beginning to collect her thoughts, the door swung open, and the band members filed in one by one. Their faces contorted with surprise and concern as they took in Eleanor's injured state.

"What the fuck happened?" Bill exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock. "Eleanor, are you okay?"

Gustav and Georg exchanged puzzled glances, clearly taken aback by the sight before them. Tom's expression remained unreadable, a mix of worry and guilt flickering across his face.

Eleanor lifted the ice bag from her nose and forced a smile, albeit a strained one. "Well, let's just say I had a little run-in with one of Tom's exes. Seems like she still carries a lot of baggage."

Georg let out a low whistle. "Damn, Tom, you really know how to pick 'em, huh?"

Tom shot him a glare before turning his attention to Eleanor. "I didn't expect this to happen. I never wanted you to get hurt."

Eleanor's eyes blazed with a mix of frustration and affection. "You need to control your exes, Tom. This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been so damn horny and kissed me on stage in front of the entire fucking Europe!"

The band fell silent, sensing the tension in the room. After a beat, however, they burst into laughter, the heaviness dissipating as humor took its place.

Bill chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, I guess we can add 'broken noses' to the list of unexpected consequences of our onstage antics."

Gustav joined in, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Hey, Eleanor, did you at least teach her a lesson? I hope she learned not to mess with our girl."

Eleanor smirked, her pain momentarily forgotten. "Oh, I made sure she knew her boundaries. Trust me."

Tom's gaze softened, and he took a step closer to Eleanor. "I'm sorry. I never intended for any of this to happen. I'll make sure to handle things better in the future."

Eleanor sighed, leaning back in her seat. "Well, you better. I don't need any more surprises like this. My nose can only take so much."

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