The Ex

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The meet and greet in Warsaw was buzzing with excitement as fans lined up to meet their favorite band, Tokio Hotel. Eleanor stood behind the table alongside the rest of the band, greeting fans, signing autographs, and posing for pictures. She was enjoying the interaction, feeling the love and support from the dedicated fans.

As the meet and greet progressed, Eleanor's throat became parched from all the talking. She excused herself for a moment, leaving the safety of the table to grab a bottle of water nearby. However, as she reached for the bottle, a voice cut through the air like a knife.

"Well, well, if it isn't Tom's little plaything," a hostile voice sneered from behind her. Eleanor turned to face a young woman, her face contorted with disdain. The encounter took her by surprise, and she braced herself for the impending confrontation.

"What's your problem?" Eleanor replied, her voice laced with defiance. She tried to keep her cool, not wanting to escalate the situation further.

The woman's eyes narrowed, and she took a step closer, invading Eleanor's personal space. "You think you're so special, don't you? Just because you're sleeping with Tom, you think you can waltz in here and take his place."

Eleanor's jaw clenched, her fists tightening by her side. She couldn't let this person's bitter words get to her, but it was hard not to feel the sting of their harsh accusations. She took a deep breath, summoning her strength.

"First of all, I'm not trying to take anyone's place. I'm here because I'm a dancer, and I earned my spot in this band. Second, my relationship with Tom is none of your damn business," Eleanor retorted, her voice firm and resolute.

The woman's anger seemed to intensify, fueled by Eleanor's refusal to back down. With a sudden motion, she grabbed a cup of water from a nearby fan's hand and hurled it towards Eleanor. The water splashed across her face and soaked her clothes.

Eleanor stood there, stunned for a moment, the cool water dripping down her face. The crowd gasped, and the band members at the table jumped up, ready to intervene. Bill's eyes narrowed with anger, Gustav clenched his fists.

But Eleanor raised her hand, motioning for them to stand down. She wiped the water from her face, her eyes flashing with determination. "Is that all you've got?" she said, her voice steady despite the humiliation she felt.

The woman seemed taken aback by Eleanor's resilience. She sneered one last time before turning and walking away, disappearing into the crowd. Eleanor took a moment to collect herself, her heart pounding in her chest.

She turned back to the table, where the band stood in shock, their expressions a mix of concern and anger. But as their eyes met, a wave of solidarity washed over them. They knew they had each other's backs, no matter what.

With a defiant smile, Eleanor walked back to the table, the water still damp on her clothes. She picked up a towel and began to dry herself off, shrugging off the incident as she focused on the fans who were eagerly waiting for their turn.


Eleanor made her way towards the dressing room, determined to change her clothes after the incident at the meet and greet. She walked briskly, her mind still reeling from the encounter, when suddenly, someone hurled themselves at her with force. The impact sent them both crashing to the ground, their bodies tangled together.

As Eleanor tried to regain her composure, she looked up to see a familiar face twisted with anger. It was one of Tom's previous girlfriends, a volatile character from his past. The hostility in her eyes was unmistakable, and Eleanor braced herself for another confrontation.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Eleanor spat, her voice laced with anger. She pushed herself up, ready to defend herself if necessary.

The girl smirked, her voice dripping with venom. "Oh, you think you're so special, don't you? Tom always goes back to his old flames, and you're just another one of his conquests."

Eleanor's blood boiled at the audacity of her words. She knew she had to tread carefully, but she couldn't let this person demean her or their relationship. "I'm not just some fling, and Tom and I have something real. It's called love, something you clearly know nothing about."

The tension between them escalated, and they circled each other, fists clenched. Harsh words were exchanged, punctuated by the occasional shove and kick. Eleanor fought back with all her might, her dance-trained reflexes guiding her movements. But her opponent was relentless, fueled by jealousy and anger.

In the heat of the scuffle, a powerful blow landed, striking Eleanor's nose with brutal force. Pain seared through her, and blood spurted from her broken nose. She stumbled backward, momentarily stunned.

Just as the fight seemed to reach its peak, security guards burst onto the scene, rushing to intervene. They quickly pulled the two women apart, firmly holding them back. Eleanor's heart raced, her adrenaline still pumping as she fought to catch her breath.

"You're lucky security showed up when they did," one of the guards said sternly, his voice tinged with annoyance. "This behavior is unacceptable, and you'll both be escorted out immediately."

Eleanor's vision blurred as she wiped the blood from her nose, her face a mix of pain and defiance. She knew the situation could have escalated further if not for the timely intervention of security.

As she was escorted away, she cast one last glance at her assailant, a mix of anger and disappointment in her eyes. This encounter had shown her the depths of jealousy and resentment that could arise from the past, but she was determined not to let it define her.Eleanor vowed to rise above the bitterness, focusing on her own journey with Tokio Hotel and the love she shared with Tom. The broken nose would heal, but her spirit remained unyielding.

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