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The rehearsal room buzzed with energy as the band members prepared for another productive session. However, two people were noticeably absent—Eleanor and Bill. The rest of the band shared amused glances, knowing exactly where their missing members were.

Just as Georg was about to suggest starting without them, the door swung open, and Bill stumbled in, his hair disheveled and sunglasses perched on his face. He let out a dramatic groan and dramatically flopped onto the nearest couch.

"Morning, everyone!" Bill greeted with a strained voice, his hand shielding his eyes from the overhead lights. "Sorry we're late. We had a bit of a wild night."

Georg shook his head, trying to suppress a smile. "No worries, Bill. It seems like you had quite the adventure. Did you two forget about the rehearsal?"

Bill chuckled, sitting up slightly. "Nah, we didn't forget. We just lost track of time, you know? But hey, we're here now. Ready to rock!"

Eleanor shuffled in behind Bill, her eyes half-closed, still fighting off the remnants of sleep. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, looking adorable in her disheveled state. The rest of the band couldn't help but exchange knowing glances, amused by their friends' condition.

Gustav grinned mischievously. "Late and hungover, huh? Guess you guys had quite the night. Care to share any highlights?"

Bill shot Georg a playful glare. "Oh, trust me, Gustav, it was legendary. We had a mini Queen concert in Eleanor's room. Pure magic."

Eleanor mumbled a half-awake response, her voice still laced with drowsiness. "Freddie would have been proud."

The band erupted into laughter, enjoying the banter and the lighthearted atmosphere. They understood that Eleanor and Bill needed their moment to recover from their wild night, and they happily indulged in the comical exchange.

As the band wrapped up their rehearsal, Eleanor, still feeling the weight of exhaustion, unintentionally drifted off to sleep on the couch. The sounds of instruments and voices became a distant lullaby in her ears. She was oblivious to the rest of the band leaving, one by one.

Unbeknownst to her, Tom lingered in the room, feigning the need to change guitar strings. His gaze settled on Eleanor, her peaceful expression tugging at his heartstrings. He approached her cautiously, his fingers trembling as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

In that fleeting moment, Eleanor stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open. However, she caught only a glimpse of Tom before he hastily retreated, leaving her feeling disoriented and confused.

She blinked, trying to piece together the fragments of her groggy mind. Had she imagined his presence? The room felt empty, devoid of his lingering presence. Disoriented and still grappling with sleep, Eleanor resigned herself to the fact that it might have been a dream.

As she gathered her belongings and made her way out of the rehearsal room, Eleanor couldn't shake off the lingering sensation of Tom's touch. The encounter had stirred something within her, a mix of curiosity, attraction, and a hint of longing. Little did she know, Tom was struggling with his own conflicting emotions, unable to confront the growing connection he felt towards her.

Their paths remained intertwined, a delicate dance of missed opportunities, unspoken desires, and the underlying chemistry that continued to simmer beneath the surface.

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