Just a dream

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The band gathered in the rehearsal studio the next day, the air buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Eleanor took her seat, ready to observe the practice session, while the band members set up their instruments and exchanged playful banter.

As the room filled with laughter and chatter, Bill couldn't resist teasing Tom about his mysterious night. With a mischievous grin, he leaned over to Georg and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, "You should have heard Tom last night. He was making some freaky noises. I thought there was a girl in his bed!"

Georg burst into laughter, causing the rest of the band to join in. Tom's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and annoyance. "Alright, alright, enough already! It was just a weird dream, nothing more," he replied, trying to brush off the topic.

Bill playfully nudged Tom's arm, a sly smirk on his face. "Oh, just a dream, huh? Those noices told me something else."

Tom shot him a sharp glance, his cheeks reddening even further. "Bill, shut up! It's none of your business," he grumbled, feeling the weight of the dream still lingering in his mind.

Gustav, always the peacemaker, chimed in with a chuckle. "Come on, guys, let's focus on the rehearsal. We've got work to do."

As they settled into their respective positions, the room buzzed with the sound of instruments tuning and the rustle of sheet music. Tom, still slightly distracted, found himself stealing glances at Eleanor, his mind drifting back to the intensity of the dream and the electric connection he felt.

Gustav's drumming broke the silence, his sticks dancing effortlessly across the skins, setting the rhythm for the band. The songs came to life, filling the room with energy and passion. Eleanor's eyes lit up as she watched the band members pour their hearts into their music, each note weaving a tapestry of sound.

The band's chemistry was palpable, their musical instincts complementing one another flawlessly. Between songs, they exchanged playful banter and shared inside jokes, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and friendship. Eleanor couldn't help but be drawn to their infectious energy, feeling a sense of belonging among them.

Tom's mind oscillated between the music and the lingering thoughts of the dream. He couldn't shake the images of Eleanor from his mind, her presence seeping into every corner of his thoughts. As much as he tried to focus on the music, his gaze would often drift in her direction, his eyes meeting hers momentarily before he quickly averted his gaze.

After a particularly riveting song, the band paused to catch their breath. Bill looked at Tom with a knowing smile. "Hey, Tom, you seem a little off today. Everything alright?"

Tom shrugged, trying to mask his unease. "Yeah, just a bit distracted, that's all. Don't worry about it."

Bill raised an eyebrow, a hint of concern in his voice. "You sure? You know you can talk to me if something's bothering you, right?"

Tom nodded, appreciating Bill's offer of support. "Thanks, man. I'm fine, really."

Bill sensed the lie, but chose lot to push him.

Throughout the rehearsal, Eleanor watched the dynamic between the band members, their playful banter and genuine camaraderie. She couldn't help but feel a growing connection with each of them, sensing that she was becoming part of something truly special.

As the session drew to a close, Tom couldn't shake the weight of the dream from his mind. He found himself stealing glances at Eleanor once more, a mix of confusion and curiosity swirling within him. Little did he know that his dream would continue to influence his thoughts and interactions with her, gradually weaving a new thread into the tapestry of their evolving relationship.

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