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The tourbus stood before them, ready to transport the band to their next destination. Eleanor hesitated at the entrance, her eyes scanning the seats inside. She wondered who she would sit next to or if she would simply choose to sit alone. The tension between her and Tom still lingered, their unresolved issues casting a shadow over their interactions.

As the rest of the band settled into their seats, Eleanor noticed an opportunity to ignite a playful spark. She turned to Georg, flashing him a mischievous smile. "Hey, Georg," she said with a hint of flirtation in her voice, "Mind if I join you?"

Georg chuckled, playing along with the banter. "I don't see why not," he replied, gesturing to the seat beside him. "But just remember, Tom might get a little jealous."

Eleanor smirked, glancing over at Tom out of the corner of her eye. "Oh, I'm counting on it," she quipped, her voice filled with feigned confidence.

Tom, observing the exchange, felt a pang of frustration and jealousy. His eyes narrowed, but he quickly regained his composure, not wanting to escalate the situation further. He called Georg over, trying to find a way to create some distance between Eleanor and himself.

"Hey, Georg, come here for a sec," Tom called out, his voice casual but with an underlying purpose.

Georg glanced at Eleanor, then back at Tom, a curious expression on his face. "What's up?" he asked, making his way toward Tom's seat.

"I just wanted to show you something," Tom replied, his tone implying urgency. "The view from my window, it's incredible. You have to see it."

Eleanor watched as Georg hesitated for a moment before nodding and following Tom. She understood the subtle message Tom was sending—to separate her from Georg and disrupt her attempts to make him jealous. Despite her playful demeanor, a hint of disappointment flickered in her eyes.

As Georg moved away, Eleanor settled into her seat, a mix of emotions swirling within her. The tension between her and Tom remained palpable, their unspoken words creating a divide that seemed insurmountable. She yearned for a resolution, but at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to initiate the conversation.

The tourbus rumbled down the highway, carrying the band towards their next destination in Lyon. Inside, the atmosphere was a mix of anticipation and lingering tension. Eleanor found herself seated next to Georg again, their playful banter continuing as the miles passed by.

Eleanor leaned back in her seat, glancing out the window at the passing scenery. "So, Georg," she began, a playful glint in her eyes, "ever been to Lyon before?"

Georg chuckled, shaking his head. "Nope, it'll be my first time. Excited to see what the city has to offer."

Eleanor nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "It's a beautiful place. You'll enjoy it."

As the conversation continued between them, Eleanor couldn't help but steal occasional glances in Tom's direction. His expression remained guarded, his attention seemingly focused on something outside the window. It pained her to see the distance between them, the unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.

After a while, Gustav, sitting a few rows ahead, turned around and joined in on the conversation. The three of them engaged in light-hearted discussions, sharing stories and exchanging laughs. It was a welcome distraction from the underlying tension, if only temporary.

Yet, as the hours passed, Eleanor couldn't shake the feeling of unease. She longed for a resolution, for a chance to break through the walls that had formed between her and Tom. But fear and pride held her back, their grip tightening with each passing mile.

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