Bittersweet Nostalgia

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(This chapter includes drinking)

Bill stumbled his way to Eleanor's door, a bottle of tequila clutched in his hand. There was an unmistakable restlessness in his eyes, a weariness that belied his usual excitement. He leaned 

against the doorframe, looking at Eleanor with a mix of exhaustion and resignation.

"You won't believe what Tom did," Bill slurred, his words slightly slurred from the effects of the alcohol. "He brought another girl home. Surprise, surprise."

Eleanor's heart sank at the news, though she tried her best to maintain a nonchalant demeanor. She had known about Tom's reputation, but it still stung to hear that he had brought someone else into their shared space. She glanced at the tequila bottle in Bill's hand and felt a sudden longing for a temporary escape from her own thoughts.

Bill raised the bottle, offering it to her with a half-hearted smile. "You wanna get drunk? I could use a little distraction, and I probably you've got your own reasons."

A wave of relief washed over Eleanor, grateful for the invitation to numb her emotions even just for a little while. She nodded, accepting the bottle and taking a long swig, feeling the fiery liquid burn its way down her throat.

And so, the night unfolded with raucous singing and boisterous laughter as the two lost souls found solace in the lyrics of Queen's anthems. Their drunken voices filled the air, singing their hearts out to songs that echoed with a bittersweet nostalgia.

"Bohemian Rhapsody!" Bill exclaimed, his voice slightly slurred but filled with enthusiasm. "This one's our anthem tonight!"

They stumbled through the lyrics, their voices intertwining and harmonizing in a beautiful yet chaotic mess. It was a cathartic release, a momentary escape from the harsh realities that weighed them down.

But as the clock struck midnight, the door creaked open, and Georg's exasperated voice pierced through the intoxicated haze. "What the hell are you two doing? It's past midnight!"

Bill turned to Georg, his eyes shining with uncontainable excitement. "Georg! Join us! It's Queen night! We're mourning Freddie Mercury and drinking our sorrows away!"

Georg let out an exasperated sigh, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He took in the scene before him, Eleanor swaying on her feet and Bill sprawled on the couch. With a mix of fondness and concern, he decided it was time to intervene.

"No more singing for tonight," Georg declared, his voice firm but gentle. "Bill, you're crashing on the couch. Eleanor, I'll show you to your bed."

Bill protested halfheartedly, his drunken words slurring together. Eleanor chuckled, her own exhaustion and alcohol-induced haze making her compliant. They followed Georg's lead, stumbling their way to their respective resting spots, a mix of laughter and sleepy sighs filling the air.

As Eleanor settled into her bed, her mind still swirling with the events of the night, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unlikely camaraderie she had found in Bill and Georg. In the midst of their shared intoxication and melancholy, they had formed a temporary bond, offering each other solace in the face of their own individual struggles.And as sleep claimed them, the echoes of Queen's music lingered in their dreams, a reminder of the profound impact of art and the enduring legacy of those who had left this world too soon.

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