Number 19

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Eleanor's heart raced as she approached the audition venue in Berlin. The energy in the air was palpable, a mixture of nerves and anticipation. She couldn't help but notice the other dancers milling about, dressed to fit the band's aesthetic, each vying for a chance to dance alongside them. Some exuded confidence, while others clutched their nerves close, their eyes darting around the room.

As Eleanor entered the audition hall, she couldn't suppress a gasp. The songs playing over the speakers were not what she expected. Instead of the expected Tokio Hotel tracks, the familiar riffs of Aerosmith filled the room. A mischievous smile spread across her face, her love for Aerosmith aligning perfectly with the unexpected choice. She felt a surge of determination, ready to embrace the challenge and showcase her versatility.

The auditions began, and Eleanor's nerves melted away as she danced with flawless technique and unrivaled passion. She brought the essence of each Aerosmith song to life, her body becoming a vessel for the music. Her movements were a symphony of grace, power, and emotion, captivating the judges and band members alike.

As the auditions progressed, the number of dancers dwindled until only two remained—Eleanor and another girl. The tension in the room was palpable as the two stood side by side, awaiting the final test. The haunting melody of "Dream On" filled the room, and the other girl launched into a hip-hop routine, seemingly disconnected from the essence of the song.

Eleanor, on the other hand, closed her eyes, allowing the music to envelop her. She let her body sway and twirl, her movements seamlessly flowing with the ethereal melody. Every step she took resonated with the emotions woven into the song, as if she and Aerosmith were in perfect harmony.

As the last notes of the song faded away, the room fell into silence, the judges deliberating the fate of the two remaining dancers. Eleanor's heart pounded in her chest, her breath caught in anticipation. And then, the announcement came.

"Number 19, Eleanor Bauer, you have been given the part."

A surge of joy erupted within Eleanor. She could hardly believe her ears as she absorbed the words. She had done it. She had captured the attention of the judges and secured her place among the dancers for Tokio Hotel's Scream Tour. A sense of accomplishment washed over her, filling her with pride and excitement for the journey that lay ahead.

As she looked towards the band members, a mix of relief and anticipation coursed through her. She noticed smiles on the faces of Georg and Gustav—warmth and admiration shining in their eyes. But when her gaze landed on Tom, she sensed a distant coldness, a wall that he seemed to be constructing. It pained her. Not his gaze, but her not finding a way to comprehend the meaning behind it.

Just as doubt began to creep into her thoughts, Bill approached her, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. He leaned in, whispering, "You were my favorite, Eleanor. Your performance was incredible." His words were like a balm to her soul, erasing any lingering doubts and reaffirming her talent.

Eleanor couldn't contain her joy any longer. She hurried back to her hotel room, her heart racing with excitement. She pulled out her phone and dialed Jenni's number, her voice overflowing with exhilaration as she recounted every detail of the audition—the unexpected Aerosmith songs, the intense competition, and the triumphant moment of securing the role.

Jenni listened intently, her own excitement evident as she celebrated Eleanor's success from the other end of the line. The two friends laughed
and cheered, savoring the incredible journey that Eleanor had embarked upon. They shared hopes and dreams for the future, reveling in the knowledge that Eleanor's determination had led her to this pivotal moment.

As Eleanor hung up the phone, her heart still fluttering with joy, she couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. The road ahead would be filled with challenges, but with the unwavering support of Jenni and the knowledge that she had impressed even her favorite band member, Bill, Eleanor knew she was ready to seize this opportunity and make her mark on the world of dance alongside Tokio Hotel.

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