Close your eyes

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The rehearsal space hummed with anticipation as the band prepared to witness Eleanor's choreography for the first time. The room was filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity, especially from Georg, Gustav, and Tom, who had never seen the dance routines before.

As the music for "Monsoon" filled the room, Eleanor gracefully positioned herself behind Bill, ready to execute the intricate choreography. The lyrics echoed through the speakers, "Through the monsoon, just me and you, we'll be there soon, so soon."

With precision and elegance, Eleanor moved from left to right, her movements mirroring the emotional cadence of the song. The rest of the band watched in awe as the dance unfolded, captivated by the seamless integration of movement and music.

But it was during the performance of "Don't Jump" that the dynamics shifted. The song started playing, its haunting melody filling the space, and Eleanor's choreography took on an intense and personal touch around Tom. Every movement seemed to convey a hidden message, a connection that went beyond the surface.

As the band played, Tom couldn't help but be drawn to Eleanor's every step and gesture. He found himself lost in her presence, his fingers faltering on the guitar strings, his concentration waning. It was as if a magnetic force tugged at his attention, making it impossible to divert his gaze.

Gustav, oblivious to the reason behind Tom's distraction, frowned as the rhythm faltered. "Hey, Tom, what's going on? You're offbeat again."

Tom tried to dismiss it, searching for excuses. "It's the guitar. It's not in tune."Georg, however, couldn't ignore the underlying truth. He leaned closer to Gustav and muttered under his breath, "I think he's got another case of Eleanor-induced distraction."

Gustav's eyes widened, and he glanced back at Tom. "Seriously? That's what's happening?"

Tom, overhearing their conversation, shot them a defensive look. "It's not that. The guitar... it's just not cooperating."

Eleanor, sensing the tension and suspecting the true cause, approached Tom with a gentle determination. "Tom, I have an idea. Close your eyes as you play. Let the music guide you." Tom hesitated, his gaze flickering between Eleanor and the guitar. Reluctantly, he complied, shutting his eyes as his fingers resumed their position on the strings.

Eleanor resumed her choreography, moving around Tom with grace and intensity. With his eyes closed, he relied solely on his hearing, allowing the music to guide his performance. A newfound focus seemed to settle within him, his playing becoming more fluid, his connection with the music unbroken.

As the song came to an end, the room was filled with a palpable sense of relief and accomplishment. Georg and Gustav exchanged impressed glances, recognizing the subtle influence Eleanor had on Tom's concentration.

Eleanor offered Tom a supportive smile. "See? Sometimes, we just need to find a different perspective to regain our focus."Tom nodded, his expression a mix of gratitude and a lingering turmoil he couldn't quite put into words. He refused to admit that Eleanor's presence had affected him so deeply, attributing his struggle to external factors instead.

The band carried on with their rehearsal, fueled by newfound determination and a renewed sense of camaraderie. Eleanor's choreography brought a unique and artistic element to their performances, and the band grew increasingly appreciative of her talent and contribution.

Yet, amidst the music and the shared passion, unspoken tensions lingered, waiting for the right moment to unravel. Tom's internal battle continued, a silent struggle between his growing attraction and the barriers he erected to protect himself. And Eleanor, ever perceptive, remained patient, allowing their connection to unfold at its own pace, knowing that sometimes the most beautiful melodies required time to find harmony.

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