Debussy and Beethoven

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Eleanor eagerly walked into the band rehearsal, excited to witness the creative process and immerse herself in the musical world of Tokio Hotel. The room was filled with the familiar instruments, amplifiers, and the energy of the band members. She found a spot to observe, taking in the scene before her.

As the band began tuning their instruments and exchanging lighthearted banter, Eleanor's eyes briefly locked with Tom's, causing a moment of cringe-worthy eye contact. She quickly looked away, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement.

Bill, ever the mischievous one, noticed the exchange and couldn't resist making faces at Eleanor, trying to elicit a reaction. She managed to stifle a laugh, not wanting to be too distracted by the playful antics.

Gustav then suddenly burst into an unexpected drum solo, catching everyone off guard. The sound reverberated through the rehearsal room, causing Georg to playfully push him off the drum seat, mockingly exclaiming, "Save it for the stage, Gustav!"

Amidst the playful chaos, Tom couldn't resist challenging Eleanor to a piano competition. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he proposed, "Alright, Eleanor. Let's see what you've got. I'll play 'Für Elise' by Beethoven, and you can take on 'Clair de Lune' by Debussy. Let's see who comes out on top."

Eleanor couldn't help but accept the challenge, excited for the opportunity to showcase her skills. The room fell into a hushed anticipation as Tom and Eleanor positioned themselves at the pianos.

Tom's fingers danced across the keys as he began playing the well-known melody of "Für Elise." His playing was technically proficient, but Eleanor could sense a hint of showmanship in his performance.

Taking her turn, Eleanor's hands gracefully glided over the piano keys, caressing each note with precision and emotion. The ethereal sounds of "Clair de Lune" filled the room, enveloping everyone in a serene ambiance.

As the final notes faded, the room erupted in applause, the band members expressing their appreciation for both performances. Eleanor's heart swelled with pride, but she couldn't help but notice the slight tension in Tom's demeanor.

Never one to admit defeat, Tom turned to Eleanor with a smirk. "Not bad, Eleanor. But you know, I couldn't really focus with Bill's snoring disturbing my sleep last night. That's why I couldn't give my best."

Eleanor raised an eyebrow, but befor she could say anything, Georg handled the matter for her, saying;  "Oh, really, Tom? Blaming it on Bill's snoring? That's a new one. Perhaps you just couldn't handle the competition."

Their playful banter continued as the rehearsal carried on, with each band member adding their own unique contributions to the music. The room filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a shared sense of purpose.

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