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Eleanor was in the midst of a rehearsal with the band when she noticed a sudden change in the atmosphere. Her heart skipped a beat as she turned towards the entrance of the studio, only to find her parents standing there, wearing forced smiles on their faces. The shock of seeing them made her freeze for a moment, her mind flooded with memories of the painful past.

"Mom, Dad?" she stammered, her voice barely audible.

Her parents approached her with feigned excitement, pretending to be happy to see her. Eleanor could feel their insincerity, and her discomfort grew with each passing second. The band members, who had heard stories about Eleanor's troubled relationship with her parents, exchanged concerned glances.

"Hey, look who's here!" her father exclaimed, his tone dripping with false enthusiasm. "We thought we'd surprise you and see what you're up to these days."

Eleanor managed a weak smile, struggling to maintain composure. "Yeah, it's quite a surprise," she replied, her voice laced with unease.Bill, sensing Eleanor's discomfort, stepped forward, ready to intervene. But before he could say anything, her parents suggested they all go somewhere quiet to chat.

"I think it would be great if we could have a little private conversation," her mother said, her voice sugary sweet.

Eleanor hesitated, her instincts urging her to decline, but her parents insisted. Reluctantly, she glanced at Bill, silently pleading for support, and he nodded subtly, understanding the gravity of the situation.

In a separate room, away from the band's prying eyes, Eleanor's parents wasted no time in revealing their true intentions. They immediately questioned her about her involvement in the band, wondering if she was earning any money. The hope of financial gain was evident in their eyes.

"Yes, I am in a band now, and yes, we do earn money," Eleanor responded, her voice steady but guarded.

Her father's face twisted into an angry scowl. "Well, since we're your parents, don't you think it's only fair that we get a share of that money? After all, we raised you."

Eleanor's eyes widened in disbelief. She couldn't believe their audacity, their relentless selfishness. "No," she said firmly, her voice trembling slightly. "I won't give you any money. You threw me out, remember? You made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with me."

Her parents' anger ignited like a raging fire. Their voices grew louder as they berated her, hurling hurtful words and accusations. Their shouts echoed through the empty room, and the band members, who had been listening outside the door, could no longer tolerate the toxic atmosphere.

"That's enough!" Bill's voice boomed, his words filled with authority and protectiveness. "We won't stand by and watch you treat Eleanor like this. You had your chance, and you threw it away. She doesn't owe you anything."

Eleanor's parents recoiled, momentarily taken aback by the band's unified stance. The realization that they had lost the support and respect of their own daughter struck them like a heavy blow.

"You will leave now," Georg spoke up, his voice filled with quiet determination. "We don't want to see you here again. Eleanor has found a new family, and it's not with you."

As the band members surrounded Eleanor, shielding her from her parents' toxic presence, a mixture of emotions washed over her. Relief, gratitude, and sadness intertwined, but in that moment, she knew she had made the right choice in surrounding herself with people who truly cared for her.

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