Chapter 25

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You shook your head in frustration. After hitting your head and landing in a coma, well things just didn't go back to normal straight away. You got things mixed up and often ended up mixing lyrics up. "I'm sorry" you whined as you span your chair around.

You apology only earned a grunt in response. Without moving your head you darted your eyes to him. It was rather in inconvenient. Considering his deal with the EMI, he needed to produce an album, now. He didn't want to go back to the dungeon. He shivered slightly, enough for you to notice.

"Mudz?" You questioned. "Look I know you're all fucked in the brain now y/n, but you've got to try harder, we need to get an album out now" he frowned. You took a deep breath. Normally you would be bouncing around the recording studio, but you were to sit and record whilst recovering. Murdoc had got you out the hospital surprisingly quickly, and had everyone back on the daily grind within no time.

Paula was no where to be found when you got back. You grimaced at the thought of.. You shook your head. "Okay I'm ready to try again" you smiled readying yourself. "Atta girl" he smirked.

A few hours had passed and you were so done. Murdoc scrutinised every little thing you did, it was beyond tiring. You just wanted to crawl into bed with 2D and trace his skin with your fingers. "Bring ya boyfriend in when you see him" Murdoc ordered as you thought you had finally escaped.

You narrowed your eyes at the green man in front of you. 'Don't say anything y/n just leave it' you told yourself over and over again as you walked out. You didn't have any more energy for him today. You closed your eyes for a second just standing in the hallway. The absolute trashed hallway.

Gorillaz, the dirtiest band to ever exist. At least you all made good music. You opened your eyes and a smile crept to your face. 2D was peeking around the door.

"Everything okay love?" He croaked out when you made eye contact with him. You nodded and began walking over to him. He embraced you with open arms. "You don't have to worry about me" you hummed, enjoying this moment before you had to send him away.

"I do, Mudz is tough, I don't want you to get ill again" he rambled to you. Gosh you loved this man. Everyday since your weird coma you counted yourself lucky to be with him. Part of you was scared you'd wake up and he'd be gone again, but that never happened. You always woke up to him, and you were still clinging to him for dear life in the mornings. Not that he minded.

Well on the days you were home anyway. A lot of the time the 4 of you would stay at the Studio. Murdoc, well studio 13 became his permanent home. After everything you couldn't believe you were making music again with them.

It was like a 360 had happened with 2D, he had become sort of protective over you, not to an extreme extent he wasn't sticking up to Murdoc or anything, but in private he'd be ranting on and on about him and how much work he makes you do. It made your heart pound out of your chest.

"I'm sorry but mr I passed my sell by date wants to see you" you joked, as a way to lessen the blow. Nobody wants to be spending their evening with him. He gave you a sad smile. "I figured he would". He leant in and gave you a small kiss before walking away. You stood still facing the now empty space where 2D was standing. You probably wouldn't be seeing him until early morning now.

You had to hand it to Murdoc he managed to pull all nighters day after day and still go on fine. He didn't even drink coffee.. 'no way he's human' you thought to yourself as you absentmindedly wandered to the kitchen. Noodle and Russel greeted you in there.

"Y/n look at this" Noodle called you over to look at something on her phone. As you came behind her you turned into a dog. You laughed as she recorded it. "It's a filter how cool is that, look you can have flowers on your head" she smiled. "Wow" you leaned into the lense. "Very pretty y/n" Russel complemented. "Yes what he said"

Noodle sounded very excited about it so you decided not to burst her bubble and tell her you had discovered these filters months ago. In your mind Noodle was still a little kid. In many ways she still acted like it, and you felt like you could still assume the older sibling role with her.

"How ya feelin?" Russel asked. You leant your elbows on the counter bringing your chin to your hands. "I want to go home" you told him. He nodded. "You've been through a lot, makes sense" he sympathised. You closed your eyes and gave him a smile.

"At least everyone is here, and this set up definitely beats plastic beach" you shivered at the events that not only led up to it, but the aftermath. You thought being trapped on a small island with Murdoc, 2D and a robot noodle was the worst of it, until the aftermath hit you all.


"It's finished". You groggily pulled your head up from the kitchen island, peeling something sticky off your check in the process. You looked to Murdoc in the doorframe. "19th January, mark your calendars" he smirked.

"What's that?" Russel asked as he squeezed past Murdoc to enter the kitchen. "Watch it" he spat, almost clawing at Russel. "Well how's about you don't stand in the way then" he retorted back.

"19th January, mark our calendars" Noodle answered the pre our question. "Mmm for what" Russel said as he put some mouldy bread in the toaster. You grimaced at his actions. "Release date" Murdoc shrugged. "Now, just gotta get filming, hallelujah money. Literally" he deviously smirked.

"We can probably kiss Christmas goodbye" Noodle sighed. You nodded knowing it would probably be cancelled due to this album that Murdoc just has to finish. "Oh be quiet, like I'd let you ugly lot be in it" he scowled.

You shot confused looks between you, Noodle and Russel. "We already have our star, so you can have your Christmas, I don't care I don't need you anymore" with that Murdoc left the kitchen. You smiled thinking of the Christmas you would have with 2D.

You had the perfect gift picked out for him. You realised as you were getting lost in your thoughts you hadn't actually seen him yet. "I better go find 2D" you announced standing up.

"You know y/n, in all this time you've been together you've never called him by his real name" Russel pointed out. You thought about it and he was right. You hadn't. 'Stuart' it just sounded wrong to call him that. 'Stu?' No wrong.

"I like 2D, it's unique" you smiled walking out of the kitchen. You had to admit you felt a little guilty wondering if 2D would prefer you not to call him that.

You started by checking the living room for 2D and what do you know, there he was, crashed on the sofa with a gap left just for you to crawl into. You grabbed a little throw blanket and tucked the both of you into it.

Nothing like a little more sleeping to celebrate this album being done! Humanz, what would everyone think?

Oop did you expect me to ever come back to this lmao?? I didn't but I've been so so back into gorillaz lately I figured, let's play catch-up. Especially now that I am a lot older and less cringe I suppose!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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