Chapter 4

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Lol guys I am in Crawley right now writing this aa!

You stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around you. You cringed realising the only clothes you had were in Noodle's room.

Quietly you opened the shower room door only to see Murdoc sat on the floor. Quickly you crossed your legs and shot him a glare. "What are you doing?" you asked clearly annoyed.

"I said as soon as you were done we're talking about you becoming part of the band" he grunted. "Listen Murdoc, I'm in a towel I want to get changed first" you informed.

He shook his head. "No time you're still my slave.. maid so you do as I say come with me" he growled grabbing your arm and dragging you. "Murdoc let me go" you screamed as he dragged you to the living room.

After protesting the entire way he finally stopped. "God damnit y/n could you stop squirming for 5 minutes" Murdoc scolded.

You just scowled at him. "Now wait here whilst I go get the rest of the band" he ordered. Before you could protest about not wanting the rest of the band to see you like this he ran off.

You knew you'd be in trouble if Murdoc came back and you were gone. There wasn't much you could do other than just sit and wait.

The first person to come in was obviously 2D. He went bright red as soon as he saw you. You just looked down and avoided eye contact.

He came and sat down next to you. You shuffled away a bit to try and make things less awkward. Clearly it didn't work as you sat in awkward silence until Noodle walked in.

She cocked her head in confusion. All she could make out was you in a towel and 2D staring at you. "Um... is this a new way to seduce boys y/n?" she asked innocently.

Instantly yours and 2D's face become bright red. "No no it's not Murdoc just kind of dragged me down here after my shower" you defended.

You suddenly heard the loud steps of Russel walking towards the room. "I swear mudz you better have a good reason for..." he stopped.

You looked up and saw him staring at you. You could see anger in his eyes. "Mudz why is y/n just in a towel?" He questioned trying to keep his cool. "Because it's important" Murdoc sighed.

It was clear Murdoc was becoming irritated. "You idiot let her get changed first, she can't sit like that comfortably with 3 boys in the same room" Russel shouted.

You felt even more awkward with 2D glancing over every 5 minutes and Noodle staring at your cleavage in awe.

After a 10 minute argument Murdoc agreed. "Fine y/n go get changed but be quick" Murdoc demanded. You didn't need to be asked twice you ran out holding your towel tightly.

You went upstairs to Noodles room and put on the pyjamas from the night before. You quickly dried your hair a little and then headed back to the living room.

Once you walked in you could see Murdoc sat in his armchair and 2D, Noodle and Russel awkwardly sat on the sofa.

Russel was still glancing at Murdoc every few seconds who looked like he couldn't care less. "Finally you took your sweet time" Murdoc commented.

You rolled your eyes at him. This seemed to anger him but he let it go quickly as Russel was still staring at him.

You decided to sit on the floor. "Why'd you call us down here?" 2D asked sheepishly. Murdoc took a deep breath in. "Okay" he began.

"I was walking past the shower room earlier and heard this gem singing" he motioned over to you and you looked away.

"I was thinking because her voice sounded okay we should recruit her as a member of the band! She can sing with faceache" he proposed.

You saw a range of different reactions. You saw Noodle who looked excited. Russel looked skeptical and 2D.. 2D looked a little lost. "Are any of you going to answer me" Murdoc growled.

"I love that idea" Noodle shouted bouncing her bum on the sofa. Murdoc smiled a devilish grin. "I'm fine with it I guess" Russel chimed in after a while.

Now everyone was looking at 2D. "Can you sing for us now?" He asked. This took you off guard a little. "Just so the rest of us know you can actually sing" he shrugged.

You slowly nodded not sure of what to sing. You definitely felt on the spot as everyone got ready to listen to you.

You decided to go with (song you like) as you felt it fit your voice nicely. You also decided to close your eyes whilst singing.

This is so that you could feel more comfortable, and so that you couldn't see their expressions. You began singing, you started off steady and eventually you started to get more and more into it.

At the end of the song you stood there with your eyes still closed. It was silent. You slowly opened your eyes to see them all frozen and staring at you.

You felt embarrassed. "Was I.. that bad?" You asked fiddling with your pyjama top. "Are you kidding, that was amazing" Russel commented.

"You sing beautifully" Noodle added. You looked at Murdoc who was giving an 'I told you so' look. You looked to 2D who was still staring at you. You looked to the floor.

"Wow.. you sing better than I do" he complemented. Your cheeks probably became very red. "Thank you guys" you looked up and smiled at them.

"I want her in the band" 2D told Murdoc. "Knew you would" he smirked. "Alright from this day on you are a part of gorillaz and I suppose I better find a new maid" Murdoc said getting up and walking away.

You stood there smiling. You just became part of a band you had never heard of. You never even considered being in a band in your life. This was amazing.

2D's POV
During her performance I couldn't stop staring at her. I was mesmerised by her. The way she sang with such passion and the way she even impressed Murdoc.

I didn't have enough words to describe how perfect it was. I could of stared at her all day. She has pretty features. Wait what?

I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't realise she has finished. The others were all looking at me. I complemented her performance and just like that she became a part of the band.

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