Chapter 12

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A/n: Sorry I'm starting this chapter off with another time skip.. sorry I know they're annoying but it's the only way I can get to the good parts! Also play the song at the top when I say if you want major feels mkayy!

It had been a few months since you and 2D.. yeah for the first time. Since then there had been many more times.

Anyway that's not important. What is important is that you had started filming music videos and all you had left was El Mañana and dare.

You were really excited as these two music videos were all Noodle with 2 seconds of Russel and 2D in dare.

Noodle had been telling you about a surprise she had for the dare video. All the cameras were set up in her room now all that needed to happen was recording. You were in the corner of noodles room squealing with her.

You didn't notice but there were 2 guys staring at you. One with pure love and the other annoyance.

"Alright Noodle it's all set go outside and walk in when I get to 1" Murdoc demanded. Noodle did as she was ordered and stood outside.




Noodle walked in and into her closet. This was it the moment you were waiting for. She opened the door and it was... a giant.. head?

Are you kidding. A giant head was what she got you so excited for. A HEAD?! You wanted to laugh about how random it was but you had to be silent.

You watched as she greeted it with a 'hallo' and flipped some switches. Then music started and the head.. woke up?

It started singing.. well talking I guess. "It's coming up..." was all it was repeating. Of course that was part of the song.

You watched as the camera panned around Noodle and then she was miming her vocals. You watched her point to the camera and then start some dance she mastered.

She did a lot of booty wiggles. At one point the head literally blew her away. It was nearing the end of the song and she jumped a few times and then picked up a helmet.

Oh Noodle how random you are. You silently chuckled to yourself. She put the helmet on and went back to miming.

After a while they had finished. You didn't know how but these guys managed to get entire music videos filmed in a few hours.

Next of course they needed to be edited and synced with the music. Luckily you had nothing to do with that process.

You were now talking to Noodle. "I certainly wasn't expecting a head" you giggled. "Did you like the surprise?" She asked. "Noodle it was creepy".

She laughed. "He's not creepy he just likes to party" she tried justifying the creepy giant head in her closet.

You just smiled and patted her head. "Well Noodle you should get some sleep, we have to be up early for El Mañana filming tomorrow" you advised.

You could of sworn she almost looked sad but she nodded and walked to her bed. "Tuck me in?" She asked. Of course you agreed.

You've come to think of Noodle as a little sister. You definitely loved her and had a sweet spot for her smile.

You tucked her in under her blanket and kissed her on the head. "Night Noodz love you" you smiled. "Love you" she replied nuzzling her head in her pillow.

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