Chapter 17

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You woke up early to the sound of the door opening and scraping against the floor. 2D was still asleep.

You looked to see that damn robot staring at you. You just stared back. "You're wanted" she said in a monotone voice.

Is that all she says ever. You rolled your eyes sitting up in bed. You went to stand up before sitting back down cursing in pain. You forgot about your leg.

You sighed and decided to power through the pain. You limped over to cyborg Noodle who began dragging you. You were somewhat thankful that she wasn't making you walk.

Once again she led you through the disgusting elevator and into the big room. You walked in and saw Murdoc and another man staring at you.

You blinked and carried on staring back. He walked towards you and shook your hand.

"Hello sexy, I am Doctor Parran. A friend of Murdoc I'm here to treat your wound. Now if you wouldn't mind showing my your damn fine legs we can get started" he smirked at you whilst setting down a bag.

Just great another pervert. You took off 2D's bloody shirt and winced at the pain.

It was 2 hours before the doctor finally finished and left. 2 hours of pervy jokes, awkward leg touching and pain.

He did however bandage up your leg and stop it from being able to becoming infected. He even left some bandages for you to change it with everyday. How thoughtful.

"Well that was fun can I go back to bed now?" You yawned. Murdoc laughed. "No actually I need you to come work on this song, it's called broken" Murdoc informed.

You rolled your eyes. You would of complained but you were scared of being shot again so you stayed quiet. "Alright then" you smiled a fake smile at him.

You still couldn't walk so you had to deal with cyborg Noodle dragging you again. You sat in booth with Murdoc and he went over lyrics with you.

You began singing and immediately he stopped the music. He stormed straight in there. "No are you kidding I don't want it sang like that" he scolded and smacked you upside the head.

"Try again" he ordered. It was a long process of trial and error and every time you slipped up it earned you a slap, punch, elbow or kick from Murdoc.

Luckily you had got it to Murdoc's liking. "Okay now we need a drum beat" he informed. You groaned. All you wanted to do was sleep you didn't want to get anymore injuries.

"Alright" you agreed. He lead cyborg Noodle - who was dragging you still - over to some computers.

He explained to you the beat he wants and left you to play around with it on the computer. Every now and then he would check on you and slap you if he didn't like it.

Your cheeks were sore, as well as your leg and head and on top of that you were slowly falling asleep.

You had just about finished what Murdoc wanted and he seemed fairly happy with it. "Alright take her back" he ordered.

Cyborg Noodle came over to you. You started preparing for her to drag you again but this time she picked you up. 'Must be growing on her' you thought.

She gently put you down on the bed and left. 2D was still asleep bloody lazy git. You sighed and looked around. You noticed a tv. How odd.

You tried to figure out how to turn it on. You couldn't see much down there. You gave up and scanned around the room some more.

You stopped when you saw some curtains. You pulled them open hoping to reveal some light. Granted some shone through but the thing that bothered you the most was that all you could see was water.

You could see fish swimming past. You heard 2D groggily sit up. Once he adjusted his eyes he screamed. "Shut that now" he ordered pointing towards the curtain.

"Huh why?" You asked curiously. "T-the whale" he stuttered. All this time you had known 2D and he never told you about this obscene whale phobia.

You sighed and shut the curtains. He thanked you and got up and turned on a light. "So there was a light the entire time" you mumbled to yourself.

You brushed it off at least now you could see the tv. "Wanna watch a zombie movie" you asked 2D remembering his love for them. His eyes widened and he nodded like a puppy watching a treat. (Or like Tamaki-senpai).

You giggled and looked through the dvd's he had. You found a random one and shoved it on. You and 2D laid on your stomachs watching the tv.

2D seemed engrossed in it whilst you were bored silly. You kept yawning and eventually fell asleep. You woke up to find 2D watching another movie in the same position.

You shook your head and laughed. "Oh you're awake" he smiled. "Yeah I am" you yawned stretching out your arms.

2D out of the blue pinned you down to the bed and looked into your eyes like he had done many times before.

You were expecting him to kiss you but instead.. "wanna watch another movie" he asked grinning madly.

You sighed in relief but also disappointment. "Of course" you answered pushing him off you and getting into another comfortable position.

Another 2/3 movies played through before Murdoc called 2D away. Now that he was gone you didn't know what to do.

You sure as hell wasn't going to watch horror movies alone. You looked through his movie collection. As you started getting to the bottom you found some comedies.

You decided to watch them until 2D came back. That was a great plan. Except for the fact that he didn't come back. Even when you woke up he wasn't there and the bed was cold. Not again.

A/n: I felt kind and decided to write this at 4:50am ahaha I'm so tired so this could be the biggest piece of poop ever especially as I haven't proof read but I feel like I owe you because I didn't update for a few days so enjoy?!

Also the thing I really want to say is THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!! Your comments cheer me up all the time and every single one of you is so kind and it honestly warms my heart so thank you! I also never expected to get so many reads I'm absolutely thrilled that people are actually enjoying my story!

I'm going to try and update more frequently, I'm trying to finish it fast because I want to work on a BTS fanfiction after this! I will let you know though that this book is really close to finishing and I'm sad because I've enjoyed this story so much and omg someone stop me from getting sappy it's almost 5am I can't help it you guys are angels (like j-hope HAH) okay now I know I need to stop! Thank you if you read all this:)

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