Chapter 3

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You looked at your phone for the time. Shit it was 6.48. You scrambled up trying not to wake the sleeping Noodle.

You ran around looking for where you placed your 'uniform'. Finally you found it quickly you slipped it on and brushed your hair.

You made a mental note to ask Noodle where the bathroom was later on. You rushed out of her room and to the kitchen.

You thought for a few minutes on what to make Murdoc. "I guess pancakes will do" you shrugged. You decided you'll make them for everyone.

Halfway into cooking you heard someone enter the kitchen. "Morning" you greeted. "Morning what are you making'?" He asked.

You knew it was 2D from his cute accent. You turned around and smiled. "I'm making pancakes for everyone".

"They smell really good y/n" he complimented. "Thanks, why don't you sit down and I can serve you yours now" you offered.

He did as you said and sat down. You grabbed a plate. "How many do you want?" You asked. "Just five please love" he responded.

You were kind of taken aback but non of the less you put five pancakes onto a plate. Before giving him his plate you laid out the table.

You put down sugar, lemons, butter, syrup and jam. Whilst you were laying out the table Russel walked in. "I smell pancakes" he beamed.

"Well your nose isn't wrong" you giggled. You set down 2D's plate and then proceeded to give Russel his pancakes too.

Whilst you were working on cooking more for Noodle and Murdoc the creepy devil himself came into the kitchen.

"Ah y/n, good morning" he greeted. "Morning". You replied not taking your eyes off the cooking.

He walked up next to you to watch what you were doing. Without the others noticing he rested his hand on your bum, rubbing it.

He provocatively whispered in your ear "you look hot in that outfit". Almost immediately you tensed up. You didn't want to make a scene.

"Murd- no ma-master please take your hand off me" you whispered politely. He didn't and proceeded to squeeze your bum.

You dropped the pan with the pancakes you were cooking and slapped him out of instinct. The boys stopped eating and looked over at you and Murdoc who was holding his cheek and glaring at you.

You thought it wasn't possible but you became even more flustered and placed your hand over your mouth gasping.

"What happened" Russel questioned standing up. "I-I" you couldn't get more than that out before tears welled up and you quickly walked out of the kitchen.

2D's POV
I was in the middle of eating the most amazing pancakes. A few minutes after Murdoc stepped into the kitchen I heard a pan drop and the sound of a slap.

I immediately looked over to a red faced y/n and an angry Murdoc. Murdoc was holding his cheek too.

I looked to Russel who look equally as confused. "What happened" Russel questioned standing up.

"I-I" tears were welling at her eyes and before anyone could say anything she walked out. Immediately Russel's look of confusion turned into anger.

He grabbed Murdoc by his shirt and lifted him up. "The hell did you do?" He shouted. I scrambled to the corner of the kitchen because I didn't want to be in the way of this.

Before too long Noodle walked into the kitchen. "What's going on in here" she asked. Then she realised Russel was two seconds away from beating up Murdoc.

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