Chapter 15

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Apologies for time skips but I've decided to continue I really love this story and ofc I can't end it with reader and 2D being broken up now can I!:)

Also before I start I'd like to shout out AiresTheWriter because I came onto Wattpad and saw this and made me laugh it really made my day tbh! So thank youuuu.

Also before I start I'd like to shout out AiresTheWriter because I came onto Wattpad and saw this and made me laugh it really made my day tbh! So thank youuuu

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Okay now I'm going to go on with le story!:)

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Okay now I'm going to go on with le story!:)

Your POV
It had been 6 months since you left Kong studios. Honestly you had made a life for yourself all over again. New house, new job, new friends, potential partner.

Here's the thing you live with your two friends. One of them being F/n (friends name) and the other being g/y/l (a guy/girl you like like).

After you left you went back to your old house that thankfully you hadn't sold yet. Without telling Murdoc you were secretly still paying off your bills just in case.

You had enough money with you to tie you over for a week tops. So you went out in search for jobs and as if it was made for you one opened up in a music shop.

You managed to get an interview and finally got the job. It was there that you met f/n and g/y/l. Eventually you and f/n became close enough that you decided to move in together.

You found a nice place with three bedrooms that was perfect but pricey. Eventually g/y/l was offered to move in with you both and they accepted. That's the story of how you got a new job, friends and life.

It was cold as you were walking into work. Your nose felt frozen and every time the wind picked up it stung.

You had a scarf wrapped around you, fluffy gloves, a massive coat and boots on. In your left hand held a cup of (warm drink) so you would warm up once inside.

You were beyond happy when you finally reached the door. Luckily you didn't have to fumble around with keys to open up as another one of your colleagues already did. His name was Grayson.

He was in his late twenties, a rather friendly guy. You smiled as you walked in. "Blimey y/n you look like a yeti" he laughed examining your outfit.

You smiled "shut up you prick it was cold" you joked. You walked into the cloak room and hung up your coat, scarf gloves and bag. You grabbed your phone and put it in your back pocket.

You walked back out and had a look around to see what you should do. "Hmm what do you want me to do bud" you asked watching as Grayson cleaned the counter. "Look around for some rubbish pick it up. Anything really just make sure we look presentable" he answered.

You started looking around on the floor for any rubbish or anything knocked off shelves. You picked up a few bits of rubbish and placed some CD's back in their rightful places.

A few minutes after you opened an odd looking man came in. He scanned the place looking around at everything. Then walked up to the front desk.

He asked Grayson a question you couldn't quite hear. "Y/n" Grayson shouted "can you pop into the storage room and grab the bass guitar with the red and black flames".

You nodded and ran into storage. You looked around for the exact bass he was talking about. Before you could grab it a weird mist came into the room and suddenly you collapsed and faded into the darkness.

You woke up on a bed in a dark room. You couldn't hear or see anything and your head was pounding.

You put your hand to your head and grunted. It hurt like hell. You assumed it was night as it was so dark yet you couldn't be sure.

Your head was pounding so hard that eventually you blacked out again. When you woke up you heard a person whimpering.

It was a lot lighter in the room now. Your head still hurt and evidently so did your legs when you tried to stand up. The minute you attempted to walk you fell. "Ouch fuck" you cursed.

"Who's that.. you're awake" you heard a familiar voice say. You tried to think of who it was but you kept drawing a blank.

You know you knew that voice. Every time you tried to think of who it was your head throbbed.

You looked over to where the voice was coming from and saw a guy sat in the shadows. "I've been sat here since you arrived. I was told to give you my bed until you woke up" he said his voice wavering.

He sounded upset. "Sorry to sound so rude.. but who are you?" You asked the strange man. He stood up and walked towards you.

That blue hair. Black eyes. Skinny build. How did you know this man. "It's me 2D y/n" he smiled sitting down on the edge of the bed.

He started fiddling with his fingers. "I'm sorry I don't know a 2D" you apologised. Something about this mans twiddling fingers, appearance and voice was telling you otherwise. "Or do I" you whispered.

"What you d-don't know me?" he stuttered. He looked dumbfounded. "I think mudz gave you amnesia" he sighed. Mudz.. who's mudz why is that so familiar.

Suddenly you had a flash back, 2D.. twiddling fingers, blue hair, Murdoc, noodle, Russel.. Gorillaz! 2D he was your boyfriend but you broke up because Noodle died and Russel left. You then also left and haven't seen him in over 6 months. You passed out again.

You awoke with a gasp. You looked around the room. It was light. You looked next to you to see 2D staring at you with wide eyes. "I do know you" you shouted.

"You do" 2D's eyes lit up. You smiled and embraced him in a hug. "I'm not sure I could ever forget Gorillaz" you admitted.

He laughed and then got serious. "I've missed you" he started. "I should have never left you.. this place is hell on earth" he sighed twiddling his fingers again.

It was in that moment that you noticed bruises, cuts. He looked skinnier than before and more tired. Lifeless. Before you could question him a familiar face opened a door and looked at you.

2D x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now