Chapter 14

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You woke up the next morning alone. You stretched out and looked around the room. Despite being with 2D for a while you barely ever came into his room.

You both usually slept in your room. You looked around at the mess on his floor and sighed. Typical 2D.

You got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. You couldn't hear anyone in there. You peeked in and saw everyone sat eating quietly.

2D looked up and smiled at you briefly and quickly looked back down again. You fully walked in and put on some toast.

When it popped up it was a little bit burnt but you were too hungry to care. You put (whatever) on your toast and sat down.

"Whilst I have you all here I need to tell you something" Russel started. Everyone looked over at him waiting on what he was going to say.

"Uh I've decided I'm going to leave Gorillaz" he announced scratching the back of his head. As soon as he said that you dropped your toast and everyone had shocked expressions on their face.

He looked down sadly. A million thoughts were racing through your mind. How can I make him stay? I just lost Noodle I'm not losing him too. Will we stop making music? Will I ever see him again?

You didn't want Russel to leave but you knew deep down that he wouldn't be happy here without Noodle.

You weakly smiled and turned to him. "When are you leaving?". "A few hours" he responded. You just nodded. "You can't bloody leave are you joking me" Murdoc argued.

"I can't stay in this place, I have shit to deal with that doesn't concern you mudz" Russel shot back. Thus began a 20 minute argument between the two.

You and 2D slowly backed out of the room and walked into the living room. You turned on the tv and to your surprise that spongebob cartoon came on. The same one Noodle was watching.

2D looked intrigued from the moment it came on so you decided not to change it. You watched spongebob for hours. Eventually russel came downstairs with some bags.

You all gathered by the door to say goodbye. Murdoc even showed up but he didn't look happy. Clearly Russel won that argument.

"Well guys I guess I'm off now" he sighed smiling at everyone. You ran up and hugged him. You tried your hardest not to cry so it wouldn't be any harder on him.

"I'll miss you baby girl" he whispered to you rubbing your back. "I'll miss you too. I wish you all the luck in whatever you do and I hope to see you again sometime" you replied holding on tighter.

"I have no doubts in my mind that our paths will cross again don't worry" he reassured.

You watched as 2D and Murdoc said their goodbyes and then he left. It started off with 5 in the house and now only 3.

~Time skip because I'm annoying~

It had been 5 days since russel had left. You and 2D had no idea what to do. The stress of Noodle and Russel being gone was starting to actually sink in.

It was causing you and 2D to argue a lot. To top it off you hadn't seen Murdoc in days. "2D what are we going to do?" You asked for the millionth time.

"I don't know why are you so reliant on me" he snapped. Your eyebrows knitted together and turned into a frown. "Because you're my boyfriend and I'm asking you a simple question" you fired back.

"Well it's annoying me" he argued. "I can't handle this" you screamed. "I'm leaving and and I think we should break up" he blurted out really fast. "What?" You asked shocked.

"Sorry y/n I really am" he said in a monotone voice. You watched as he got up off your bed and walked away.

Did he just break up with you.. It's times like this that you wished Noodle was here so you could just talk to her about you and 2D.

No if she was here you wouldn't even be having this problem. You laid down and cried. Cried until you fell asleep.

You woke up early the next day and walked into the kitchen. Murdoc was there but 2D wasn't. "Have you seen 2D?" You asked.

He laughed. "Faceache left". Your face dropped. You didn't realise how serious he was about leaving. How was he even suppose to travel anywhere he can't drive. Where is he going anyway?

You took a deep breath in. "Okay" you nodded and walked out of the room. You went upstairs and grabbed a bunch of necessities basically everything you could.

Not forgetting noodles guitar.

If everyone else wanted to leave then you would too. You were not going to stay here whilst everyone else abandoned you.

You took everything downstairs and left it by the door. Now all you had to do was tell Murdoc. You walked into the kitchen where he still sat.

You coughed to get his attention. "Mudz?". He briefly looked up at you. "Yes?" He replied. "I'm going to leave too" you announced.

"But before I do I just wanted to thank you for bringing me here and changing my life for the better, giving me a family. Also for noodles guitar that really meant a lot to me" you said genuinely smiling for the first time in over a week.

You could of sworn he too was smiling. Even if it was just for a brief second. "I don't know why you're telling me this and I told you not to bring that up hurry up and leave" he ordered.

You smiled at this. That response has Murdoc written all over. No emotions whatsoever. You walked to the front door and piled all your things into your car.

You sat there for a moment and sighed. This was going to be the start of a new adventure. The old one was fun but this one will be better.

You smiled thinking about all the memories you made with them. "Let's do this" you whispered as you put your key in the ignition and never looked back.

A/n: eeek im sorry about this chapter I'm writing this before I have to go to work so it's kinda rushed and time skippy oops! Hope you enjoy. Here's the thing though I don't know whether to end it here or not let me know if you actually want this to be continued tyty! Thank you for reading also it means a lot:)

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