Chapter 24

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You were laid in 2D's bed still awake. You just wanted him to return already so you could talk. You laid in silence for another 15 minutes until you heard them all stumble in.

You heard Murdoc slam his bedroom door and Paula and 2D were in the hallway. "Why didn't you talk to me the whole night" you heard her say. She sounded pretty upset.

"Why do you think Paula, you can't come back into my life and ruin it. You had a chance with me but you cheated and that's over I don't even know why you're here" 2D cried.

You smiled knowing that he seemed to hate her right now. "Just kiss me once more and I'll show you that you still love me" she pleaded.

Oh hell no. You got up out of bed and stormed into the hallway. "Who do you think you are" you spat.

She looked at you with shocked eyes but soon she started smirking. "I'm your worse nightmare" she whispered in your ear.

This sent chills down your spine. You slapped her. "That was for kissing my boyfriend" you yelled. She slapped you back twice as hard. "That was for slapping me" she then pushed you to the ground.

"That was for taking away my happiness" she screamed. You grabbed her hair and flipped her over. You got on top of her and kneed her.

She grunted in pain. She grabbed your head and shoved it into the wall. She pulled you up and punched you in the face.

You had enough. You kicked her in the stomach forcing her to fall back and brought your foot down hard once again in the stomach.

"Next time I'll push you down the stairs" you growled.

You walked away and grabbed a rather shocked 2D by the hand. Before you could walk away she grabbed onto 2D's foot.

The words "don't go" barely escaped her lips. You laughed and brought your foot down hard onto her arm causing her to release him.

2D pulled you away and into his room. "Y/n what the bloody hell was that" he shouted. You looked down guilty. "I didn't know it would turn into a fight, I just wanted to teach her a lesson for kissing you" you sobbed.

"I'll be back I need to see if she's okay" he shook his head as he walked out. You felt angry at the fact that he was going to help her before you but you weren't going to make him any angrier.

A few moments later he walked back in. "Are you mad?" You asked. He was silent for a moment. "Yes" he simply answered.

"Why I don't understand. Why are you mad" you started raising your voice. "Because you're not acting like yourself, you're acting out of jealousy I thought you had more self control than that" he screamed back.

You hadn't heard him so angry at you before. You were scared, confused and upset. You felt tired and the world was spinning.

You tried to grip onto something but nothing was there you fell. Fell into darkness and heard 2D yelling your name and running to you. The last thing you heard was "y/n I love you I'm not mad".

You opened your eyes but it was really bright. You blinked a few times before the brightness died down. Where are you? You looked around.

You're.. in a hospital. There were two people in the room with you but you didn't recognise them. You looked to the people who was asleep in a chair.

One man and one woman. "Excuse me" you tried saying it came out in a quiet raspy voice. It wasn't loud enough.

You coughed and tried again. "Excuse me" this time it was louder. The woman woke up and adjusted to her surroundings. "Oh my gosh".

She covered her mouth and started to cry. "Y/n" she shouted enveloping you in a hug. You didn't hug back.

She started vigorously tapping the man next to her "wake up look she's awake" he woke up and also adjusted before looking at you.

"Oh my gosh love you're finally awake" he cried bringing you in for a hug. "I-I'm sorry who are you?" You stuttered staring at the people in front of you.

Their faces immediately dropped. "Y/n you don't remember us" the girl cried. You tried to console her.

The man was in a similar state. "We'll go get your doctor" he informed calmly before walking out the room.

It had been a few hours since then and you still had no idea who those people were and your doctor confirmed that you had a bad case of amnesia.

He left you alone with the two strangers so they could talk to you. You were confused as hell.

"Y/n, my name is (mums name), I'm your mother" she started. "And this is (dads name) and he's your father" she continued.

You immediately felt bad that you didn't even remember your own parents. "So can I ask a question?" You interrupted. They nodded. "Where's Gorillaz, where is 2D?" You asked confused.

"Oh thank goodness she still remembers them" your mum cried. You smiled. "Hun they made their comeback, the year right now is 2017. You've been in a coma for 3 years now" your mum explained.

You were extremely confused. Coma? "Can you ring them and ask them to come?" You asked. Your mum looked at you confused.

"Sweetheart, you know Gorillaz aren't real right?". That last sentence echoed in your head. Not real. But what about all the time you spent with them.

Plastic beach, the dates with 2D, all the recording you did, the pain, the laughter the memories. They're not real? None of it was ever real?

She was just an average girl obsessed with a band. Caught up in her dreams and confused reality with them.

She never really looked at anything the same after that. She mourned the very real loss of her friends. To her they were real.

She watched the numerous music videos that she could remember shooting with them. She watched the new ones too seeing how they had changed.

Of course they weren't effected like she was. She spent most of her time locked away in her room. If she had minimal contact with people it could all still seem real.

One day she could open the door and 2D her boyfriend, Murdoc and Russel her best friends and Noodle her sister will all be stood there welcoming her back home.

Or maybe she'll just have to wait until her dreams for that.

So I'm really sorry but this is the end.. what did you think I hope you don't hate me too much for this! I was planning this from the beginning guys and it was so hard to not tell you but here we are! Thank you for reading and coming on this journey with me! You all mean the world to me and I couldn't of asked for better readers! Ya'll are amazing thank you for the support! I hope to see you in my other stories!

so I got requested to do a Gorillaz one shot so if that's something you'd be interested in please let me know and I'll do it (also if you wanna leave requests please do I'll pretty much do anything) thank youuuu!

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