Chapter 16

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You squinted your eyes just to make sure you were seeing right. No way. "Noodle?" You questioned looking at the girl. You gasped.

You got up to go hug her but 2D pulled you down. "No. It isn't Noodle it's a robot that Murdoc made" he explained. "What are you talking about?" You looked at him as if he was mad.

"That's cyborg Noodle, don't you think she would be running over to you if it was actually Noodle right now" 2D cried out at you.

He was right. She - eh the robot - didn't seem like Noodle one bit. This robot looked somewhat scary. "You're wanted" she looked at you dead in the eyes.

You gulped and looked at 2D who looked just as nervous as you did. You got up and walked over to cyborg Noodle and followed her.

You had to admit you were beyond intrigued about where she was going to take you. She lead you to an elevator and pressed a button.

You couldn't help but notice a putrid smell lingering in the elevator. You tried to breathe through your mouth instead which resulted in you gagging.

Deja vu.

As soon as the ride from hell stopped and the doors opened you stepped out as quickly as you could.

After regaining your composure you once again began following cyborg Noodle into a large room. She lead you to a man you believed to be Murdoc.

The man sat in front of you turned around and you were indeed correct. His ugly green face turned into a twisted smirk. (A/N: that hurt to say bc I actually think he's really hot kms)

He raised his arms up before finally speaking. "Y/n how lovely to see you again" by the look on his face it was obvious he was lying and trying too hard to be civil.

You put on a fake smile "Murdoc how unexpected, I didn't think our next meeting would involve knocking me out and kidnapping me" you said, an annoyed tone laced your voice.

"Oh come on sweetheart, now you can be a part of the best band in the world again" he purred stepping closer and then pressing his long green finger under your chin.

You shook your head and stepped back. "Why am I actually here?" You questioned. His whole demeanour changed and he looked pissed.

You slightly regretted asking that but still kept your ground. "I want you to sing like you used to. You'll also come in handy with some instruments, I saw you in that music shop I never knew you were so talented" he smirked.

You wanted to gag. "You never asked" you shot back looking away. "I won't do it" you argued. "What a shame, I know you will because you won't be able to leave until you do" he cackled.

You were confused. Why wouldn't you be able to leave where exactly were you and what was this pickle going to do to you. Before asking any of that your mind went straight to 2D.

"What have you been doing to 2D?" you calmly asked. "Even after he broke your heart you still care how disgusting" he made a gagging motion with his finger. You sighed.

You weren't going to get any information out of him anytime soon. "At least tell me where we are" you snarled.

He smiled a sadistic smile. "Why my dear y/n welcome to the plastic beach" he exclaimed. "I'm confused the heck is a plastic beach?" You questioned.

Murdoc laughed. He walked forwards and grunted "it's my island of course". Your eyes became wide and you stared at the man in front of you.

This creep took you to an island away from everything you knew with no escape. You were beyond angry.

"You can take her back now she will start tomorrow" Murdoc ordered. "Like hell I will" you spat and began running. You had to figure out a way to get 2D out too and leave.

What if there were no boats you don't even know where you are. So stupid. "Stop" you heard a firm voice call. You didn't have to look back to know it was the robot.

You didn't stop you didn't care you would find a way off this island. Before you could get any further you heard a trigger being pulled and a loud bang.

Suddenly there was unimaginable pain in your leg. You wanted to keep going but your entire leg surged with pain.

You fell to the ground holding your left leg and screaming. That bitch shot you. She inched closer to you and you watched in fear.

She grabbed the collar of your shirt and began dragging you. She dragged you back to the elevator ignoring your kicks and pleas.

Before you knew it she chucked you back in the room you started off in and locked it. 2D's eyes lit up when he saw you but that quickly faded when he saw your expression and bleeding leg.

"Oh god y/n what did they do" he started panicking. You put your non bloodied hand to his face. "Calm down I'm okay, I ran and got shot completely my own fault" you reassured.

He calmed down slightly. "Were you going to leave me?" He asked biting his lip. You shot him a disappointed look and let out a shaky breath. "No I would never" you smiled.

Despite the fact he left you, you would never do the same. You never wanted him to feel the same way you did. You watched as he pulled off his shirt.

"Here let me tie this around your leg to stop the blood" he offered. At first you were apprehensive but you allowed him.

He tried not to get any blood on his hand and carefully tied it around your leg applying lots of pressure. You thanked him and he carried you over to the bed. "You need to sleep" he ordered laying next to you.

You couldn't help but blush at the shirtless 2D. No bad y/n that phase is over with no more feelings. You turned to look at 2D who was already looking at you.

You noticed more bruises on his body. "2D, why have you got so many bruises?" You asked. He looked like he was about to cry and bit his lip. Oh no.

He sighed. "Murdoc sometimes gets angry" he began, tears escaped his eyes. "If I'm not perfect he smacks me or punches me" he continued looking down.

You hugged him and wiped away his tears. "Well I'm here now and we're gonna get away from this island and never let him do it again. As long as I'm here I'll try my best" you promised.

You yawned before you could say anything else and quickly fell asleep hearing 2D mumbling a few thank you's and playing with your hair.

It felt like old times and you realised that you weren't over him. He was your first love how could you be.

A/n: Eheee please don't kill me I know it took a few days for me to update but I have an excuse... Bts enough said. No but seriously I've been dying over them especially Jin and Yoongi and honestly I can't stop.

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