Chapter 10

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It had been a few days since you had kissed 2D. Since then you had been trying to go on a date before recording for demon days started.

The first attempt ended up being an awkward movie night interrupted by Murdoc.

('ρ') FLASHBACK ('ρ')

2D had asked you if you wanted a movie night together. Of course you agreed. You made popcorn whilst 2D grabbed blankets, pillows and of course a movie.

You both started watching some zombie movie 2D picked out when Murdoc walked in. "What's this?" He asked sitting down the the middle of you and 2D.

He was completely oblivious to the fact that you two were trying to watch a movie together. He ended up finishing the popcorn and critiquing the movie every 3.5 seconds.

('ρ') END OF FLASHBACK ('ρ')

The second attempt at a date was going for a walk. This was also ruined very quickly by obsessive fans.

('ρ') FLASHBACK ('ρ')

2D had asked you to go on a walk where you can't be interrupted by anyone in Kong. Once again you agreed.

After 10 minutes 2D was spotted by a fan, and than another and another and very quickly 50 people had gathered.

He ended up spending an hour signing autographs and taking pictures whilst you stood watching. Rather impatiently. Afterwards you both decided to head home.

('ρ') END OF FLASHBACK ('ρ')

The third time you tried to go on a date was once again ruined. Are you seeing a pattern here.

You both decided you would have a meal together in the garden at night with fairy lights and then watch the stars. This one just went terribly wrong.

('ρ') FLASHBACK ('ρ')

2D decided with the guidance of Russel that he'd cook you a meal. The meal looked amazing and you were both positive nothing would go wrong this time.

You had set up the garden and it looked beautiful. 2D came out with pasta and lots of it. It tasted beautiful and you both were happy with how this night was going.

That was until 2D and you were talking and you projectile vomited on him. 2D had put prawns in the pasta which you were mildly allergic to. Once again a failed date night.

('ρ') END OF FLASHBACK ('ρ')

Your POV
In the last few days in between all the failed dates you managed to bring all of your things over from your old house. With the help of everyone else of course.

Your bedroom was now looking more like a bedroom and less like a massive prison cell. This also meant you wouldn't have to sleep in Noodle's bed anymore and deal with her sleep talking and constant trips to the bathroom in the night.

Not to mention her kicking and punching and the one morning you woke up with her finger in your nose. You shuddered thinking about it.

You're also thankful that you don't have to listen to the weird grunts that comes from her closet too. That was strange.

You were sat on your bed writing some lyrics. You used to do it all the time as a teenager. You didn't notice the blunette watching you from your doorway.

"Hey y/n" he spoke up. "Oh hey 2D" you smiled. "Can I talk to you?" He asked twiddling his fingers.

That's something you noticed a lot more. He's constantly twiddling his fingers around you. You nodded and motioned for him to sit on your bed.

He came and sat down next to you. "Give me your hands" he ordered politely. You did as said and he took them in his hands.

You were slightly confused but went with it anyway. "What's up?" You questioned. "Nothing, I just" he sighed. "These dates have been failing and I only wanted to ask you one question at the end of them all" he began.

You listened intently. "That question was.. well I was wondering if you'd go out with me. Like girlfriend and boyfriend" he finished looking away.

You giggled and he looked back. "Of course I've been waiting for you to ask" you replied. He had a big grin on his face and pulled you in for a hug.

You blushed at his sudden actions. It was strange how he still had that effect on you, like you had some school girl crush.

He then surprised you even more by pulling you in for a kiss. Of course you melted into it immediately.

He pushed you back down onto the bed and began to kiss you more roughly. He had both hands on the bed for support and you had one in his hair and the other grasping his shirt.

You both pulled away for air and you realised this was better than all those failed dates. This was more natural and you liked it way more.

You also liked this dominant side of 2D. You were staring into his black orbs whilst he was still above you staring down. His eyes were one of the many things you loved about him. So unique and beautiful. So 2D.

A/N: Another short crappy chapter that I wrote at 2am IM SORRY! I'm too caught up watching ouran, black butler and fairy tail crack.. MY BAD://

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