Chapter 7

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Your POV
You woke up bright and early and decided today you would walk to your house and bring some necessity's over in your car as you were tired of smelling. Not to mention you needed clothes for the party.

Clearly nobody else was going to do anything. Of course if you want anything done right you need to do it yourself.

You sighed getting up and putting on the old smelly clothes you'd been wearing. You crept out of the door not leaving a note or anything knowing they'd still be asleep when you got back.

You walked for what seemed like hours. You were ready to collapse by the time you made it to your house.

You walked in and straight away ran upstairs to shower. Afterwards you brushed your hair with a proper hairbrush and brushed your teeth. You walked into your room and grabbed a massive bag.

You shoved a bunch of clothes, pyjamas and underwear in there and your hair and tooth brush.

You got changed into some clothes and then did some light makeup. You also packed that in your bag along with curlers, straighteners and a hairdryer.

You last minute packed your laptop, phone and both chargers. Once you were done with that you shoved it in your car.

You also managed to fit a mirror and one of your small dressers in the car. Once you were sure you were locked up you drove back to Kong.

Now all you had to do was move the things to your room without making noise. After a struggle for half an hour you managed to get the things in your room.

You were incredibly tired though you got changed into a fresh pair of pyjamas and went back to Noodles room.

You woke up again around about 12pm. You yawned and looked around the room for Noodle. You couldn't see her so you decided to walk to your room and get ready.

You got changed into a (any colour) shirt and some black leggings/jeans. You brushed through your hair and then ran to the bathroom to brush your teeth then back to your room.

You left your room and walked to the kitchen. The only people in the kitchen were Murdoc and Russel. "Morning" you greeted. Russel looked up from reading and smiled "morning, nice clothes are they yours?" Russel asked.

This caused Murdoc to turn around and look you up and down. "Uh yeah I made a trip to my house this morning I was sick of smelling and wearing the same thing" you replied now looking in the fridge for some food.

Russel simply nodded and carried on reading the paper. "Hey want to help me love" Murdoc asked walking closer to you.

You took a step back. "That depends on what you want help with" you answered. "Party stuff" he shrugged.

"Uh sure I can help" you agreed. "Great, can you pick up some snacks, maybe get some balloons hang up some sparkly crap here and there". "Not asking much are you" you sarcastically commented.

You decided on eating an apple finally. "I guess I'll go do that now, but I'm not paying" you argued. "Fine take our cards, also take faceache with ya he knows the numbers" he ordered handing you a card.

You weren't happy about having to go shopping with 2D but if it meant getting out of kong for a few hours then who were you to complain.

You trudged up to 2D's room hesitant to knock on the door. You took a deep breath in then out and knocked. No answer. You knocked again. No answer.

You sighed opening the door and seeing him asleep. He had papers scattered all over his bed and he was sleeping curled in a ball.

He looked somewhat cuter when he sleeps. You shook your head no time for those thoughts today.

"2D" you shouted startling him enough to fall out of bed. He got up rubbing his head. "What was that for" he asked with a sleepy voice.

"We're going shopping, orders of Murdoc so get dressed and meet me downstairs" you demanded walking out of his room and shutting the door. You made your way to the front door waiting for 2D.

After ten minutes he was finally ready and you walked out of kong. You walked down the path and to your car. You got in and beckoned for 2D to get in too.

Hesitantly he got in and slowly shut the car door again. "What's the problem?" you asked. "Did you steal this car?" He questioned looking around the inside of it.

"Are you serious.. no I didn't steal this car it's mine" you replied in an irritated tone. "I-I'm sorry" he apologised. "No don't be" you insisted.

You felt a little guilty that you had been holding a grudge over what happened yesterday. "So Murdoc wants us to get some things for the party he's so adamant about holding, so where's the best place to go?" You asked.

He gave you some directions to a shop not far that sold lots of party essentials. Whilst driving there you put on the radio and you were both singing to a bunch of the songs that played.

You pulled up at the shop and walked inside. You looked around the shop. It wasn't huge but it wasn't exactly small either.

It had lots of party food and a bunch of decorations and even costumes. You both immediately walked towards the costumes. "Wanna try some on" you asked 2D with a smirk.

He looked slightly unsure but said yes anyway. This lead to you and 2D having a half an hour runway show in the changing rooms.

You both changed into 3 different costumes, the first one you were a flower and he was a bee, the second one you were a giraffe and he was an elephant, the third you were a nurse and he a doctor. You were changing into your fourth you were both going to be fairies.

"Okay open the curtains on 3.. 2.. 1. You both flung the changing room curtains open. You were dying of laughter while 2D stood awkwardly in a fairy costume that barely fit.

You both decided to get changed into your 5th and final costumes. You were both dressing up as surfers. Of course you were wearing a sexy bikini and he was wearing swim shorts.

You both revealed your costumes and almost immediately both your faces heated up. Quickly you both shut the curtains again getting changed into what you were wearing before.

You returned the costumes and grabbed some random decorations that looked sparkly along with some fairy lights whilst 2D grabbed all sorts of random snacks. After paying you went straight home. This time the ride was rather silent.

A/n: Thank you so much for reading it means so much to me! I've got work for the next three days so I might not be able to update much but I'll bloody try:)

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