Chapter 5

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Looool I drew 2D (kinda badly coloured tho) whatcha think?

Your POV
After becoming part of the band Murdoc agreed to sorting out your own room. On the same level as Noodle and Russel.

This meant picking up your things were being pushed back slightly.

There were lots of spare rooms and you were following Murdoc to find which one you could use.

A lot of them had crap in like broken instruments, chairs and tables, smashed lamps, one of them had a bunch of dead goats in.

You assumed that had something to do with Murdoc and his satanic ways. Finally he opened a room that had nothing inside.

Sure the walls were peeling, mould was growing and it smelt horrific but you could sort that out.

"This one will work" you said to Murdoc who was leaning against the wall slumped over. "Great" he sarcastically replied.

You rolled your eyes. "Pretty please will you take me to the shop so I can buy some things for my room?" You begged.

He stopped actually thinking. "Alright love, but only because I wanna buy some alcohol" he agreed. You jumped and hugged him.

It must of surprised him because he tensed up. "Get off me" he protested pushing you off. You laughed then frowned. "You're such a spoil sport" you teased skipping off to Noodles room to grab what little you had brought with you to Kong.

You got changed into the clothes you were originally wearing the first time you come here and moved your backpack and pyjamas into the empty room.

"Y/N COME ON WE'RE LEAVING" Murdoc shouted to you. As you turned around to leave you bumped into Noodle. "Where are you going y/n-San" she questioned cocking her head to the side.

"Shopping with Murdoc" you answered. She looked at you for a moment before bouncing up and down? "can I come?" She asked with excitement.

"Of course" you replied smiling. "Can I come too?". You turned to where the voice came from to see 2D playing with his fingers.

You smiled "of course, you can both come". You walked down to Murdoc to see him standing with Russel.

"I'm bringing Russel so he can drive as- wait why are you bringing faceache and Noodle?" He questioned in an annoyed tone. "Because the more the merrier" you said skipping outside to the geep.

2D's POV
I watched as y/n skipped away towards the geep. "She's a funny character" Russel commented smiling. "Annoying you mean" Murdoc grumbled walking outside.

We shortly followed. Murdoc sat in the front with Russel whilst I sat in the back with Noodle and y/n. Noodle sat in the middle because she was the shortest and y/n and I sat either side of her.

Russel turned the radio on and shortly into the journey y/n started to sing. Her voice was beautiful throughout every song. Every now and then I would join in.

Eventually we made it to the shop and we got out. Murdoc walked off to go and get his alcohol and the rest of us went into the shop.

The first thing y/n did was run to the paints to have a look for colours without realising she grabbed onto my hand and dragged me there.

Noodle and Russel decided to walk together instead of run with us. By the time we got the that section I probably looked awful. Panting and red in the face from blushing hard at her holding my hand.

She started browsing all the colours. She came over with a few shades of (favourite colour). "Which one?" She asked. By now Noodle and Russel had caught up.

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