Chapter 13

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A/n: Hi hi I'm so sorry that this is late! I know I said I was gonna have this up two days ago but work got in the way and I'm so sorry anyway here it is!

2D's POV
We eventually made it home after what felt like an eternity of silence. Murdoc once again was driving and Russel was in the front.

Y/n and I were in the back but there was one missing. Every now and then I'd glance to the middle expecting to see Noodle asleep on y/n.

Instead all I'd see was y/n staring outside the window blank eyes, blank face. We got out of the car and walked into kong. It felt empty and lifeless without Noodle's bubbly personality and bouncing around.

I followed y/n up to her room to get ready for bed. She walked in facing towards her bed away from me. "2D" she croaked out.

I sighed "yeah?". "I wanna sleep alone tonight" she said bluntly. She turned around to look at me and I tried not to cry. I bit my lip and nodded.

I walked out of her room and to my own. It felt wrong to be sleeping by myself. I jumped into bed and thought about everything.

Then it hit me 'Noodle is actually dead.. she's not coming back'. The thought alone was enough to make me finally cry.

I let out my sobs and frustration. How could this happen! I smacked my fists down onto my bed. My noodle.

Your POV
You just watched 2D leave your room and you felt terrible after seeing his face. You just needed some time alone with your thoughts.

You sat on your bed and sobbed into your hands. They got louder and louder. You just wished that you could walk into noodles room and she'd be sat on her bed practising guitar.

One more girls night was all you wanted. You got up and wiped your eyes and face. You walked out of your room and into noodles.

You noticed the door was open and as you peered in everything was the exact way she left it. Except for something on the bed.

You walked over to it. It was noodles guitar. You gasped. You traced over it with your fingers. You looked next to it and saw a note. It read;

Y/n, I found her guitar in the rubble before we left. I didn't know what to do with it and thought you'd want it as a memento to remember her by. Of course if you don't want it that's understandable but I think she'd want you to have it. Don't come and thank me and don't tell the others I gave it to you alright. I don't want them thinking I suddenly got a heart. Enjoy as you please.
~ Murdoc.

You gasped reading his name. No way. You sobbed again hugging her guitar against you. You knelt onto the floor took in the scents of the room. It smelt like her still.

You looked around and laughed remembering her dance in dare. You felt like you could still hear the music and see her dancing.

You felt like you could see her smile and the laugh she had when she finished. On the other hand you could feel the sadness and anxiety she had about filming El Mañana.

You could see her shaking hands and trembling knees. "Why didn't I stop her" you mumbled to yourself. "It's almost as if she knew this was going to happen".

You sighed pushing the thoughts to the back of your mind. You need sleep. You gently grabbed the guitar and Murdoc's message and brought them both into your room.

You set them both down on top of your drawers. You quickly changed and got into bed. You had to admit it felt extremely empty without 2D. You closed your eyes and focused on sleep.

You shot up from a nightmare. You were panting. You felt your face and it was wet? You were crying.

You quickly looked for the time and realised it was 5.38am. You laid back down and thought about the nightmare you just had. You were back filming.

You watched as the island crashed and over and over again it was the last time you saw Noodle and her scared face.

The dream cut to her saying 'why didn't you save me' over and over and over again. 'Now I'm dead and it's your fault. You didn't get my hints'.

You rubbed your eyes and decided after that you didn't want to sleep alone anymore. You ran down to 2D's room. Silently you opened his door and you could hear his quiet snores.

You walked towards his bed tripping over something on the floor. "Ouch fuck" you cursed. You heard 2D mumble "who is it?". You bit your lip thinking about how to answer.

"D it's me I- I had a nightmare" you stuttered trying not to cry thinking about it. You heard him sigh.

He pulled back his covers and scooted over. "Come here" he offered. You walked closer to his bed and flopped on it.

You got into a comfortable position with you laying on his chest and him playing with your hair. "Wanna tell me about it?" He asked.

"Yeah" you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You talked though the entire dream with him and by the end you were sobbing once again.

He rubbed the side of your arm trying to console you. "She warned me, she hinted that she didn't want to do it yet I pushed her saying it was safe she trusted me it's my fault" you cried.

It was silent for a moment before you felt a tear drop on your head. "Do you truly believe that?" 2D asked. You nodded.

"Well nobody else sees it that way and you shouldn't either. It's not your fault Noodle could of backed out if she wanted to. You wouldn't know unless she came right out and said how she was feeling. Don't be too hard on yourself" he reassured hugging you tighter.

You were both crying at this point. Eventually you both fell asleep in the position you were in. It seemed you didn't want to be alone after all.

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