Chapter 6

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Your POV
Now that your bedroom was painted all you had to do was bring all your things from home. You'd have to beg Murdoc tomorrow for that.

You sighed in boredom sat on the floor in the middle of the empty room. Everyone was busy. Murdoc was preparing for the party tomorrow night, 2D was watching a movie with Noodle.

You would have joined but apparently they were watching a zombie movie you had seen 400 times.. and Russel. Well Russel was taking a nap.

You had nothing to do and was only 5pm. You decided you'd call a friend to see if they'd come and kill the boredom.

You called up b/f/n (best friends name.. preferably a girl lol) and waited for the sweet sound of her voice. "Hello?".

"Hey (b/f/n), I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a bit?" You asked eagerly awaiting her response.

"Of course, I haven't seen you in forever do you want to meet somewhere or do you need picking up?" She answered.

You smiled to yourself. You gave the directions to kong and you both decided on going to a cafe to chat and catch up.

You waited for what felt like half an hour but in reality was only ten minutes. B/f/n called you when she arrived because she was too scared to knock on the door.

You walked towards the door to go when you were stopped. "Oh love, where are you going?". Damnit 2D you have the worst timing.

"I'm going out with a friend" you replied eager to leave. "Oh.. well my movie just ended.. c-can I come with you?" he asked fiddling with his fingers.

You really wanted some alone time with b/f/n but for some reason you couldn't turn 2D down.

Your frown soon turned into a smile. "Of course 2D". "Are you two going out?". More interruptions really.

You turned to see Murdoc right next to you. "Yes we are, anyway I don't want to keep my friend waiting so we have to go now" you hurried 2D out of the door and waved goodbye to Murdoc ~ who was left standing confused still at the door.

You walked down the long pathway and past the graves to your friends car. "Okay 2D don't get in until I say so I need to check with my friend that it's alright for you to come" you ordered.

He nodded and you opened the car door. B/f/n looked up from her phone to greet you. "Y/n hey this place is awful creepy I almos- hey who's that?" She motioned towards the tall, awkward, blue haired, black eyed man.

You sighed. "This is my friend 2D.. I would appreciate it if you let him come with us please" you gave her your sweetest smile.

"Of course he can come" she agreed. You turned around and gave a thumbs up. He got in the car and smiled as you and b/f/n turned around.

"2D this is b/f/n, b/f/n this is 2D" they shook hands as they both seemed to be in a trance staring at each other.

You felt a twang in your heart. You couldn't pin point the feeling. Clearing your throat they both immediately parted realising what they were doing. B/f/n started the car.

"You know he's hot" she whispered to you loud enough for 2D to hear. You felt that twang again. You looked behind you to see 2D red in the face and staring at her.

That feeling again. Now you knew what it was.. it was jealousy. But why are you so jealous?

You put your jealous feelings aside and decided you would enjoy your afternoon out. You arrived to the cafe.

As you were getting out the car you saw b/f/n staring at you. "What's up?" You asked. She seemed startled but smirked back at you.

"Oh nothing I was just wondering what on earth you were wearing" she leaned in closer to you "you know you smell a bit too".

You saw 2D smile a bit. You rolled your eyes "It's all I had okay". She giggled as a response. You sighed and pushed open the door of the cafe choosing a booth.

B/f/n made sure that she was sat opposite 2D and you next to her. You forgot how boy crazy she was. She would always try to impress them by showing off and acting mean towards you.

A waitress walked over and started taking orders. "What can I get you guys?" She asked. "A peppermint tea for me" 2D answered (ayeeee).

"I'll have a decaf coffee with soya milk please" b/f/n ordered. "And I'll have a strawberry milks-" you were interrupted. "She'll have the same as me, trying to watch her weight" b/f/n said.

You nodded agreeing "yeah how silly of me, I'll have that". The waitress looked concerned but didn't say anything. She walked away.

For the time 2D and b/f/n got to know each other, you occasionally joined in conversation. You looked at the time realising it was now 7.56pm. "Hmm it's getting late I think we should leave now" you suggested.

2D looked at the time and agreed. B/f/n looked pissed but complied none of the less. After an awkward 12 minute car ride you arrived home.

2D's POV
B/f/n seems really cool. We are in the car on the way home now after visiting a cafe. I found out some interesting things about her.

I was pulled out of my trance when we arrived back at kong. "Today was fun" I commented. "Yeah really fun thanks" y/n said almost sarcastically.

I was about to ask her what's up when b/f/n cut in. "I really want to hang out with you guys again sometime soon".

"Well we are having a party tomorrow you are more than welcome to come" I offered. She smiled and accepted it.

Y/n looked really sad and got out of the car and left. "I wonder what's up with her" b/f/n shrugged. I quietly got out of the car and waved.

I walked up the hill fast in the hopes that I could talk to y/n when I got in. As soon as I stepped in Murdoc walked up to me.

"Why does y/n look like she's got a bloody rain cloud following her". I simply shrugged and walked away.

This undoubtedly angered Murdoc but I didn't really care. I walked to the first place I thought she'd be. Noodles room.

As I walked up to the door I heard talking. "Just see what happens tomorrow I'm sure he's just clueless" I heard Noodle say.

Is she talking about me? I carried on listening. "Yeah thanks, I'm going to go to my room and get changed be right back". I panicked knowing y/n was going to come out of the room.

I turned around and felt something bump into my back.

Your POV
You exited Noodles room and walked straight into something. 'What the heck' you thought. You realised it was 2D.

He looked down at you with a worried look. You looked at the floor avoiding eye contact and walked away from him.

You walked straight to your room getting changed quickly. You looked out into the hallway to make sure that 2D wasn't still lingering.

You sighed in relief when you saw he wasn't. You quickly ran back to Noodles room. She was already asleep and you crawled into bed next to her and quickly fell asleep too.

A/N: I'm feeling so much better now yay! Hopefully I will be able to do more updating now! Thank you for readingg:)

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