Alternate ending...? WHAAA

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BET YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS OVER! Actually I did too but surprise it isn't! So originally I wrote this for gorillaznoodle666 and for the longest time I just left it wondering if I should upload it as an alternate ending and today I thought why the heck not! As a celebration of my story reaching 18K reads I present you with an alternate ending! (Its kinda short but eh)

One day you turned on your laptop - your now one source of happiness, for you can see gorillaz. Act like they're not really gone.

You clicked onto a new video on their YouTube page. It was an animated interview of the band. You watch through half of it until 2D said something strange.

"You know me and my girlfriend -at the time- once planned loads of dates to try and get the perfect one" he laughed.

You paused for a minute trying to rationalise your thoughts. You weren't going crazy he's never said this in an interview before.

There's no way he would say exactly what happened in your coma and it's just one big coincidence. It has to mean something.

"What happened to y/n I loved her" noodle asked. She just said your name. No way. Despite the fact it was freaky you listened on.

"She's in a coma, wake up y/n". Suddenly you felt as if you were being pulled out of a trance. Leaving the miserable world you entered not long ago. Everything happened so quickly.

You opened your eyes. Once again blinding lights only to find you're in a hospital bed. You slowly looked next to you. That's when you saw it. Saw them. Your beloved best friends and boyfriend.

Your eyes began watering. "It wasn't fake" you choked out. 2D looked at you confused for a moment before engulfing you in a hug. "I'm so sorry y/n, Paula is gone now I should have listened to you. I love you" He waffled on.

You smiled. The three words you had been dying to hear. "I love you too" you said whilst stroking his blue hair you missed so much.

This time you weren't going to take any part of this for granted. If this is the only chance you have with them you're going to make it last.

Sorry it's so short! I slightly edited it from the other one as it was badly written last time but here you go for everyone who hated the last ending, another one for you!

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