Chapter 9

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You woke up slightly confused as to why you were on the floor, then you remembered once you saw the 30 apology texts from b/f/n.

You shook your head and decided to go downstairs and eat. You were about to walk into the kitchen when you heard talking.

"I hope y/n is alright" you heard Russel say. "Did she start her period mid way or something I mean c'mon way to ruin my party" Murdoc complained.

You walked into the kitchen with your arms crossed. "Shut up you bastard, I don't like to be talked about" you shouted.

It was directed mostly at Murdoc. "Y/n what even happened" Russel asked. You turned around and noticed 2D sat next to Russel trying to shrink under the table.

You grabbed a box of cereal from the cupboard than turned to them again. "Hmm why don't you ask HIM" you hinted pointing at 2D.

He flinched and tried sinking even more. "I'm taking this to my room now" you informed shaking the box of cereal.

"Oh and Murdoc before blaming other people try and find out the entire story beforehand" you added your voice cracking.

You ran back to your room once again blocking your door. You sat down and started shovelling cereal into your mouth.

2D's POV
"D what did you do?" Russel asked. "Yeah how'd you fuck up this time" Murdoc added. I frowned hearing Murdoc saying that.

"I uh I don't know" I lied. Well I knew what I did I just can't remember doing it. "Just be truthful" Russel ordered.

I took a deep breath in. "I confessed to her that I liked her" I began twiddling my fingers around. "And I told her not to tell me until the party was over if she liked me too.. but somehow I got drunk and ended up kissing her best friend" I finished.

Russel facepalmed and Murdoc looked confused. "Was that it, she was upset over you" he asked in disbelief. "So you messed with her feelings huh?" Russel questioned.

"Don't put it like that" I argued. I should apologise I thought to myself. "Go apologise to her now" Russel said as if he read my mind.

I nodded and I got up and left the kitchen. I walked straight to her room. I put my ear to her door and listened in.

I couldn't hear much other than crinkling and chewing. Nervously I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

Your POV
You were sitting munching on cereal and ignoring all of b/f/n texts when knock came at the door. "Who is it?" You shouted.

"2-2D" he stuttered. "What do you want!" You growled. "I want to talk.. I want you to hear me out" he pleaded.

You thought for a moment before moving the drawers out of the way and opening the door to reveal the nervous boy on the other side.

You motioned with your arm for him to come in. "I only have a floor so let's sit and talk there" you ordered.

He nodded and sat down. "So what did you want to say" you asked raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms. "I wanted to apologise" he started rubbing the back of his neck.

You nodded. For the next 15 minutes 2D explained how half way through the party b/f/n found him offered him a drink which now he realises was spiked.

He also said that she asked for a bed to lay down in as her head hurt to he offered to take her to his. When they got down to the basement level she started kissing him.

At this point he was so drunk he just started kissing back. That's when you had walked down and seen it.

After his story you didn't know what to believe. You knew 2D wouldn't lie. You also knew what a brat b/f/n could be. "I-I believe you" you watched as 2D's face lit up.

"You do" he replied with a smile. "Of course, I'm really sorry for overacting" you apologised. "That's okay" he reassured. "Hey y/n?". "Yeah?". "Wo-would it be okay if I hug you? He asked.

Your face grew pink as you nodded. He gave you one of the best hugs you have had in ages. You didn't want to let go.

It seems he didn't either as you both sat there for a few minutes enjoying each other's embrace. "I really like you" 2D whispered before pulling away.

This caused you to blush more. You watched 2D's lips form a smile. "What are you thinking about?" He asked. "Kissing you" you blurted out whilst still in his trance.

You suddenly realised what you just said. You brought your hand to your mouth and gasped looking away.

He just laughed. "I-I'm so sor-" you were cut off by 2D kissing you. He chapped lips were rough against yours. He had his hands on your waist and yours in his hair.

It was more passionate than you expected. When you pulled away you both looked like tomatoes. "Are you guys going to have sex now" a voice asked from the door.

You both instantly turned and saw Noodle stood in the doorway. 2D made strange noises with his throat whilst you nervously laughed.

A/n: sorry this is a bit of a shorter chapter I've been having some writers block lately! I've also been caught up in reading black butler and ouran fanfiction BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER HAH... thanks for reading:)!

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