Chapter 1

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Miles sat on his bed, drawing in his notebook. Two months ago it was his birthday. He was 16 now. His parents kept telling to take drivers ed (not like he would drive anywhere). Two years since I became spider-man. A lot has happened since then. He was drawing pictures of Gwen (again) without realizing it. At this point half of his notebook was Gwen. Miles hoped he would see her again, but the chances of that happening now are unlikely. The damn watches broke. Miles thought back to after Miguel died to the spot, everyone's watches just broke, and they had to use the machine to send them back to their universes, except for Miles, when had to use one of the only watches that still had juice in them. If he had used the machine, he would go back to Earth 42, and he really didn't want to go back there. Unfortunately, the travel back to his universe has used up the last of the battery in the watch, and ever since, he had been studying trying to find a way to turn it back on. He heard a knock on his door, and without thinking, Miles said "Come in!"

Crap! He hurriedly tried to shove his notebook into his drawer, but it was too late. His dad walked into his room, seeing Miles sticking his notebook into his drawer, and gave Miles a look, that said "Let me see it". Miles hesitantly handed that notebook to his dad, silently praying his dad wouldn't see the pictures of Gwen. His dad sat down on the bed next to Miles, and flipped through the pages, until he found the several pictures of Gwen in his notebook. Miles put his head in his hands, refusing to look at his dad. "Ya know, Miles, it's kinda weird to obsessively draw pictures of your girlfri" Miles cut him off there, "Dad! It's not like that!" Miles yelled, still covering his face with his hands. His dad chuckled. Then said "Have I ever told about the shoulder touch?" Miles finally lifted his head from his hands. "You know about that?" His dad chuckled again, handing Miles his notebook. "I guess your uncle taught you that. But I came in here to tell you that there was a cave in at an old abandoned house, and wondered if you wanted to come with me to check it out." Miles nodded and said, "I'll suit up and go check it out." His dad got up and walked to the door, but before shutting it, he said "Miles, if you ever see her, try the shoulder touch." Miles shook his head, remembering the time he did try the shoulder touch on Gwen. "Don't worry, Dad, I've already tried.", and his dad shut the door. Miles got up and grabbed his suit, shaking his mind from Gwen and focusing on the task ahead.

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