Chapter 7

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The next few days, Miles hung out in Gwen's bedroom. He only had to spend a day in the hospital because of his spider-healing (working title). Now he mostly spent the day scrolling through TikTok in Gwen's bed. Gwen would sleep on the mattress on the floor next to the bed. Don't get him wrong, Miles didn't like taking the bed, and he insisted constantly, but Gwen would always say, "You can't move without me carrying you, so you'll have to deal with it", and Miles couldn't argue with that logic, so he would shut up after she said it.

Gwen was usually gone most of the day, whether it be because of school, or because of Spider stuff. But when she was at home, she would spend every second with him, laying in the bed with him and watching TikToks together usually. She also brought him food and drinks. When she wasn't home, her dad would check on him occasionally, and that was about it. He seemed pretty chill.

One night, though, something interesting happened.

Miles tried to fall asleep, but he could shake his thoughts from the attacker. Him and Gwen kinda kicked his ass, but Miles was still worried he would find him.

Miles heard the window creak, then open. He repeatedly tapped Gwen on the shoulder, but she didn't wake up. He turned invisible and held his breath, praying that the attacker wouldn't see him. His thoughts flew back to what he saw. The death of so many... the lifeless expressions on their faces... their clothes soaked with blood... whether it was something the attacker had already done, or something he planned to do, Miles did not want to be part of it.

The glowing eyes snapped toward him. He has thermal. Claws gripped Miles neck tight. He couldn't breathe. He tried to shoot at something with his webs, but he didn't have his web shooters on. He felt pressure building in his neck, more and more until,


Miles felt himself shaking. He looked around and saw Gwen's room. He looked to the side to see a shadowy figure squatting down next to him with a hand on his shoulder. His heart skipped a beat, and he was terrified, until he realized who it was.

It was Gwen

Miles saw her shaking him slightly. He saw her mouth moving, but he didn't hear her. All he heard was a ringing in his ear. When the ringing went away, he could hear Gwen's voice fade into focus. "...iles! Are you okay? Look at me!" It was dark, so it was hard to see her, but he managed to look at her. It was only now he realized how fast he was breathing. Miles forced himself to calm down and slow his breathing. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good, it... it was just a nightmare." He said, trying to shrug it off. He couldn't read Gwen's facial expression when she said, "Oh no, you are not 'good'. You started randomly hyperventilating in the middle of the night. That is not 'good'." Miles looked at her, knowing she saw right through his lies. When he didn't respond, she sighed and crawled into the bed next to him. "Good night, Miles."

"Good night, Gwen."

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