Chapter 16

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Log #207: Earth #315627; Home

It was all their fault. All they had to do is stand by and let him finish the only point his life had anymore.

3 test runs. All successful. Machine startup soon.

Last log for real this time. I regret making the other one. I have no care for anything anymore. My life is over anyways. The only way I can find satisfaction is to finish what I started.

Yet something holds me back. Like a chain  keeping my from reaching my full potential. It's not emotions, no. I have no emotions anymore. The suit... if I can advance it... it could be more powerful than anything I could make now. It just needs time. Time I might not have.

My suit now is only a prototype. Only capable of so much. I could have the power of the multiverse if I finish it.

No more is spider-man.

Log end.

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